Chapter 6

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Meerab ( POV )

It's finally mariam's birthday today. And that means after a few days I can finally leave the house. It's so hard to breathe here. I feel like a caged Bird.

And that haya leaves no chance to humiliate me or to disturb me. I don't know what action will give her the security that I don't want her murtasim.

People say Murtasim is so smart than can't see her feelings for him. If he doesn't feel the same way then why doesn't he explain it to her ? well its not my place to say or think anything about it. 

My phone rang , its a video call from my friends. I locked my door and received the call. Its from saba , rohail and rukshar....its a group call. I received the call . Saba is my best friend , rohail is from my college learning music and rukshar is a dancer like me. 

" Meerab where are you ? " asked Saba in a ' I am very angry tone ' . " You always forget us when you go back to begum mahal. " complained rohail. " You didn't even came for the program that we were talking about for so long time. " said rukshar with an angry face. 

" Guys ...guys will you let me talk ? " I asked and they became silent. " Thank you , now I am here for my sister's birthday. And was busy with her for shopping and other sorry I couldn't call or do anything. " I apologised to them. 

" You're coming for the ' stage show ' right ? " asked rohail. " Stage show ? " I have totally forgotten about it. " We promised to our teacher Mrs Khan that we will perform in her stage show that she is didn't forget right ? " asked saba. 

" Its in two days hope you haven't forget right ? " asked rohail. Truth to be said I have forgotten about it but can't say it to them. " of course not...I will be there , today's mariam's birthday and by tommorow I will be back home. " I told them. 

" well that's nice to know ...we are really missing you. " said rohail. " Even I want to come back, its so boring here. The walls are like cage and its so silent here. " I told them what I really feel about this place.  

" Than get out from there and come back to us. " said rohail. " I will get back very soon...sorry but I got to go. Mariam is calling me. " I told them and ended the call. I have to practice after the program. Have to ask ammi to leave as soon as possible. 

I wore the sari did some light make up and I think that will do. I walked in Mariam's room . She is looking like a doll...very pretty. " Mashallah Mariam're looking so cute. " I told her and she blushed. 

" Thank you so meerab " she said. " Mariam lets go you're..." said haya getting in the room. well even she looking nice. She is beautiful and that's not a lie its just her attitude that doesn't goes well with her attitude. 

" Haya pyari lag rahi ho [ you're looking beautiful ] " I told her , she didn't even gave me another look . " Mariam maa begum is looking for you lets go. " she said . I tried my best to be nice but she doesn't want it than I will not bother. 

" okay , let's go meerab " said mariam and together we came out of her room. Its a huge party many people has arrived who belongs from higher rank of the society. Maa begum is talking with them , she wore the dress I bought for her. 

Must say by wearing that dress she has honoured me. Mariam went to her and I walked towards my ammi. " Masahallah are looking so cute. My daughter has grown up. " said ammi. I smiled and stood with her. 

Abbu has praised me a lot . Than we stood together as he introduced me with other guests and proudly declaring to them that I am his daughter. Haya standing in a corner , I sometimes feel bad for her. Her parents died when she was very young. She grew up in begum mahal but was always left alone. 

No one cared for her that much , and that made her bitter. Even now when I am standing with my parents ans mariam with her mother , she is all alone. And I think that's why she is clinging towards murtasim like that. To have a relationship of her own. 

Well I will not bother her , let her . But where is her murtasim ? I looked around and found him talking with some officials. Well even he wore the suit I selecting for him. And well even if I don't want to admit he is looking handsome. 

" Let's go bhabi begum is calling " said ammi. we walked towards the stage. Bari begum wanted us on the stage so we climed up and stood with bari begum . Maraiam standing in the centre. She cut the cake and we clapped for her. 

" I Bahu Begum , of the palace thank you all for coming in daughter's birthday. Thank you for coming and blessing my daughter. " said bari begum. " On this happy occasion I have something that I want to share with you all ...another good news..I have finally found a suitable bride for my son murtasim and today on this happy occasion I will declare the name of the bride. " she said , and is she going to declare haya's wedding with murtasim ? well that will be amazing. 

She walked towards me took my hand pulled me in the centre of the stage , why is she pulling me ? She made me wear two bangles and said " My daughter in law ...bride of my son Murtasim shahnawaz khan will be...Meerab Waqas Ahmad". 

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