Chapter 7

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She walked towards me took my hand pulled me in the centre of the stage , why is she pulling me ? She made me wear two bangles and said " My daughter in law ...bride of my son Murtasim shahnawaz khan will be...Meerab Waqas Ahmad". 

And my world went silent ...I don't know what's going on anymore. Did it really happened or I am dreaming about it ? I looked towards my parents they look as horrified and surprised as me. I looked towards murtasim and  he is also surprised. 

Everyone cheering , mariam gave me a hug. Bari begum called murtasim in the stage and made us stand together. I want to leave everything and just go but that will become a huge scandal and I don't want that. Few people whom I never met came to congratulate me. I smiled but said nothing. 

I am fuming in anger. She has decided my future without talking with me. As soon as I got  a chance I left the party. Who does she think she is ? who is she to take decisions on my behalf ? Getting married here is like getting caged and I am not ready for that. I texted my mother that I am going home. 

I took a car from the mansion , I know no one will mind and left before anyone could notice and create any trouble for me. I left the bangles on mariam's study table. They will get it there. I don't want to come back here ever...never. 

Mariam [ POV ] 

I was so excited that ammi decided meerab to be my bhabhi [ sister in law ] , but than things got really bad. And now I don't know what to think about.  First before the party ends meerab left our mahal. when the guests left I came in her room to congratulate her. But she wasn't in her room. 

As I looked in my study table I found the bangles and a note saying that she is leaving the house. I went showed the letter and bangles to my ammi who became very angry. " Is this how you have raised your daughter ? " said ammi in an angry tone to anwar uncle. 

" She never does stuff like that ...she is very mature its just , she is very upset. " said aunty. I can understand , meerab has goals , dreams and those things will come to an end if she marries here. " Upset...about what ? Its her luck that I selected her as daughter in law of my house. " said ammi. 

"Bhabi , its an important decision of her life , I think you should have discussed it with me " said anwar uncle. " Now I have to take your permission for doing something ? salma Begum of hydreabad will have to listen to you " said ammi in her angry tone. 

" When salma begum is talking about her work or any other decision she may not but when she is taking decision about my daughter's life ...she has to take talk with us about it and also take permission " said meerab's mother in strong voice. Now I know from where meerab gets her strenght. 

" Murtasim is a good boy. And we have nothing against him but announcing such news without consulting with the kids is just not fair. Bhabi , I think you should have talked with the kids first if they are interested to marry or not. " said anwar uncle . Like that will even happen in our house.  

" In our house elders decides faith of their children's ....we are their parents and we know what's best for them. " said ammi but got stopped by meerab's mother. " Than why haven't you asked us ? we are her parents ..we do have right on her . " said aunty. I have never seen her angry before. 

" I have seen how wonderfully you have raised her and did your duty , now I don't trust you with it. And you know very well ...I think I will not have to remind you what relation we have with her. " said ammi but I don't understand why she said such thing. 

" I remember that very well , how can I forget such event. But while deciding faith she becomes someone you can take decision and when it comes to values she becomes my daughter...that math will not work here. " said aunty in her firm voice. 

" Lets not waste time here. " said anwar uncle in calm voice. " since she left lets go back , give us two days . Let us talk with her and explain her everything than we will talk again about it. " said anwar uncle to waqas uncle. " well , okay you say. Do call me when you find her or I will remain tensed. " said waqas uncle. 

so , uncle and aunty left the mahal. Bhai [ brother ] who was standing silently left the room in anger. In few seconds everything changed. " My heart stopped thinking that ...that girl will marry here. " said haya who was silent for long time. 

" But turns out she is stupid..otherwise she wouldn't have left the house. Now she will not come. Bari begum will see her true colours and never allow her back. " said haya with a big smile and left. Doesn't matter what she says ...what I think if that's true than its complicated. Things are going to get bad...hope everything turns out to be okay. 

Meerab [ POV ] 

" And they didn't even asked you ...that's very rude. I am glad that you walked out of there. " said rohail. I am in saba's house. I texted my mother and let her know about my location so that she doesn't get too scared about my where abouts. 

" Even I am glad about it. Now don't think much about it. we have an upcoming event lets focus on it. " said saba. I nodded.

I have to talk with my parents about it. Have to explain to them about what I want. I hope they will understand me this time. Have to cut all ties with begum mahal as soon as possible.    

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