23. One V. Ones/ Sports Festival Finale

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Present Mic:"WELCOME BACK! To the annual UA sports festival! We are now heading into the semifinals! Here are the matchups!"

Izuku Midoriya Vs. Ibarra Shiozaki

Rumi Usagiyama Vs. Katsuki Bakugo

Present Mic :"Stay tuned after these brief messages!"

We, now cut to Izuku Midoriya. He was currently looking at himself in the mirror in the bathroom. The only thing he could do right now is play hard and be himself during this.

Izuku:"I'm close. Don't back down now."

He saw a black portal open behind him and he turned around to see his father peeking his head through.

Hisashi:"Son, it's nice to see you again."

Izuku:"Hey, dad! How is mom doing?"

Hisashi:"Well, she kinda flooded the apartment again."

Izuku:*Chuckles* "Of course she did."

Hisashi went all the way through and shut the portal as he kneeled to his son's height.

Hisashi:"How are you feeling right now?"

Izuku:"Very nervous. I'm going up against an opponent who could potentially beat me."

Hisashi:"Don't deflate now son. You got so far with your confidence and skill."

Izuku:"I know, but I just think it's because I'm lucky."

Hisashi:"You aren't lucky. Son, don't ever think you're lucky. You put in just as much effort as everyone else."

Izuku looked at his father as Hisashi wrapped him in a hug. Hisashi waved him away as he went through his portal and back home. Izuku also walked out of the bathroom as he heard the PA system.

Present Mic:"Will Izuku Midoriya, please report to the main field?"

Izuku made his way toward the main arena as he heard the crowd cheering and chanting.





He made his way out of the tunnel and towards the battle area. As he stood there, he saw Ibarra come up to the area herself with her hair extending to the area.



Izuku & Ibarra face each other as they get into their respective fighting positions. Izuku prepared his fire quirk while Ibarra readied to protect herself.

Midnight:"Fighters ready?!"

Both stared at each other as their quirks started flaring up.

Midnight:"Begin!" *Crack!*

Izuku launched forward and Ibarra immediately began to pull her hair around here and some of it was burned, but she stood behind her grass shield as he shot up.

She immediately tried to put her hair above her, but Izuku activated his air walk and dodged her hair. They shot up at him and fell down onto her hair. Ibarra tried squeezing him between the large locks of hair, but he quickly burned them with fire.

Izuku:"You're good!"

Ibarra:"So, are you. Try to keep up."

Ibarra shot his hair around him and immediately tried launching him out the ring, but he used air walk to get himself back into the ring. In the stands, Rumi was watching him with a close eye. Bakugo was also watching his friend go up against the Class 1-B girl.

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