₊ ⊹ ☆ Part One ☆⊹ ₊

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Maria's pov.

"Stop rushing me! I'm almost ready, Enzo!" I yelled through the heavy door. My thick British accent evident when I speak. I quickly finish straightening my long blonde hair. Enzo, my roommate, is taking me to his friend's party tonight. He told me to 'dress slutty' since I only own one dress that shows any skin. He knew if I was going to a party, then I'd be on the dance floor, most likely with a random guy flirting with me.

I slip on my 'slutty' dress, and grab my more comfortable heels. As I open the door, I see Enzo in an outfit that I've never seen before. A red shirt, with the back fully open, and black jeans. He truly could be a model, but never believes me when I tell him that.


His voice snaps me out of my imagination, and I look up at him.

"Are you ready to go, Mari?"

He crossed his arms. He's been waiting for me to get ready for a while now, so I understand his impatience.

"Yes, I suppose-"

I get cut off by his hand on my wrist, pulling me out of the dorms and towards his car. I sat in the passenger seat, and waited for Enzo to start driving.

"I'm not getting high, Enzo. I have work tomorrow, and I'm not getting pulled over when I have to drive your high ass back to the dorms."
I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, whatever. Neither of us are legal to smoke anyway. I'm just more likely to break the rules, 'Ms Obedient'."
He mocks, and laughs as well.


Me and Enzo talked the whole way to the party. Having nice conversations like this with him, always made my heart flutter in ways that I'm not particularly used to. I mean, I've always been more energetic and more myself around him, since he made me feel so safe with him.

I trust him with my life.

As we get closer to the location, I look in the small mirror that sits on the car visor, and make sure my hair looks presentable enough, but still attractive. I've never really doubted how attractive I am, ever since I started taking care of myself again and gained my confidence. My long blonde hair, brown eyes, and a good figure. Ever since I moved into the dorms without my parents. They had to listen to me panic over the phone on how to braid my hair correctly a few times, but I'm sure they didn't mind too much!

"We're here, Mari."

I hear Enzo say as he climbs out of the car. I quickly follow, since I'm not sure who all is going to be here. I'll most likely be near Enzo the whole party anyway, since he's friends with just about everyone. I genuinely envy how easy it is for Enzo to make friends, but I don't complain.

I walk behind Enzo into the party, and we're both immediately surrounded. Three girls grab Enzo and try to pull him away, but he doesn't let them quite yet. While I have a few guys surround me and start flirting.

"Hello beautiful... are you busy yet? Because I'd love to take up your sweet time..." The first guy says. His blue eyes piercing down at me, almost like it's a command, not a suggestion.

"I'll settle in a bit first, yeah? Then I'll consider your offer.. thank you!"

I reply warmly. Maybe if I'm nice, then they'll be nice in return? That's how it's worked in the past, since guys are usually all over me.

"Ah.. the girl wants to settle in first! How cute.. your friend there will be taken care of too, sweetheart. No need to worry about him..." The other man smirks, as the man who hasn't spoke at all, grabs my arm and starts pulling me away.

Before I know it, I have Enzo's arms around my waist and he's pulling me away from the guys.

"Thank you, Enzo."

I whisper to him, quickly glancing up at him.

"Mhm. If anyone asks, we're dating while you're here, yeah? That way guys leave you alone."

He suggests. The suggestion makes my stomach fill with butterflies, and makes my heart race. Even if it's fake, it's still just the words that made me blush.

I quickly nod in reply, and glance at the dance floor.

"I'll probably be out there, Mk?"

I tell Enzo with a smile as I get onto the floor and move my body with the beat of the song.

Maybe this party won't be so bad.

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