₊ ⊹ ☆ Part Ten ☆⊹ ₊

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Nic's pov.

As I'm about to go back downstairs to my room, there was a faint thud, then a soft knock on my front door.

"Who the hell-"

I mutter, before walking to the door. When I open it, my whole body is frozen.

Maria, holding onto the doorframe, with a bag on her shoulder. She.. came back..?

"Maria..? You.. came back..?"

I asked, confused but I didn't mind at all. I grabbed onto her arms to support her, since she seemed weak. Her head fell into my chest almost immediately, and she held onto me desperately.

"I'm sorry.. I should've believed you.."

Her voice was breaking. It was weak, and barely above a whisper. My face softened.

"You were scared, Maria. It isn't your fault for being scared. You had reason to be."

I said calmly, as I ran my hand through her hair. Gently moving it away from her eyes. I was going to say more, but she spoke almost immediately after me.

"Can.. I stay here? Please?"
She begged. My heartbeat quickened. This wasn't what I was expecting at all. I was thinking she would stay home a few days before even thinking about me again.

I made sure she actually wanted to stay here again, as I looked down at her face. She was weak, and her eyes were watery.

"You're safe with me, Maria. I promise you."
I gently leaned down and kissed her forehead. Right after I did, I felt her weight more, and realized she was passing out.

I quickly grabbed her bag off her shoulder with one hand, while my other hand wrapped around her waist and picked her up. I put her bag on the small table by the couch, then laid her down on said couch.

I pulled her shoes off her feet, then gently pulled her phone from the back pocket of her jeans. Plugging it in beside her. I grabbed a light blanket from the arm chair, and wrapped it around her body.

I wanted to kiss her so badly, but now was not the time. Especially since she wasn't even awake.

I refuse to make a mistake like that if she didn't want it.

I grab a bottle of water, and open it enough that she won't struggle to when she wakes up, since I can tell she's weak from walking here. I set it on the table beside her, and put a straw in it. That's one thing I always wondered about her. Why does she put a straw in bottles of whatever she's drinking?

Either way, I don't hesitate to do it for her. Show her that I know about the little things she does.
I'll make her food once she wakes up, since I want her to have a warm meal, not a reheated one.

I'll admit, she looks peaceful when she sleeps, and I love seeing her at peace, but knowing she walked here, all alone.

It takes me a few minutes of staring at her to notice two things.

One, she's wearing my jacket. It makes my heart melt a little.



I've never seen her face like this. Asleep, without makeup on. Yes, she sleeps without makeup on, but she usually sleeps with her face in a blanket, or a stuffed animal.

She started wearing makeup in seventh grade, or before, I'm not sure, because I never saw them.

She's even more beautiful than before.. why would she hide such a beautiful thing..?
She's just absolutely breathtaking.


After a few hours, Maria finally wakes up. She's tired, and I understand why.

"There's water beside you on the table."

I tell her while I stand in the kitchen, and pull something out of the fridge.

"Oh.. thank you."

She grabs the cup and sees the straw in it.
"You added a straw?"

"You always have a straw in your drink. Water, juice, milk, whatever you're drinking. You always have a straw."

I put the food I made earlier into the microwave. I know I said I would make her something fresh, but I need to focus on her state right now.

Her brows furrowed slightly, and her head tilted.

"How did you know that?"

"I know everything about you, love."

I replied to her with a small smile on my face while giving her a quick glance.

Her mouth closes, and she stays silent for a few moments. My eyes drift back to the food I'm making for her, since she's still slightly weak.

"Why do you act like you care about me?"

Her voice speaks quietly, and snaps me out of my trance.

"Who said I was acting?"

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