₊ ⊹ ☆ Part Two ☆⊹ ₊

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Enzo's pov.

Fuck. Why does she have to be so soft. If she wasn't so kind hearted and didn't have those stupid angelic features, then this would be a lot easier.

How am I supposed to put the vial in her drink if she's never done anything wrong to me?

I sighed, before just doing it without thinking. I open the small vial and pour it in a cup, then pour her drink inside it. The liquid won't kill her. Only make her pass out for a few hours, and she won't remember a thing..

Why am I doing this? Am I really falling for the money?

Am I really going to do this?

Too late now.

I grab her drink and walk over to where she's dancing on the dance floor. No question that her body moves so perfectly and flows with the sounds of the song. But that's the problem.

I say quietly behind her. She turned around to face me, and her angelic features drive me wild once more.

I hand her the drink.

"You're normal, since I remembered."

I smiled. She took the drink and started to sip on it already. She agreed to having one soda, since it wouldn't upset her stomach while driving back.

But she's not driving back.

She's being taken.


It doesn't take long until she feels dizzy and less alert. She clings to my side. My heart cramps. I hate that I'm doing such a thing to her, but atleast I'll get some peace in the dorms.. she's always all over me and talking about random stuff she's done that day.

And honestly, I couldn't care less.

I notice the guy I was told about, start to move closer.

"Why don't you go dance some more, yeah? Tire yourself out before we leave."

I suggest. I'll have to look away as she gets taken. My brain is telling me to stop it, and forget about the money.. but the other part of me wants to let it happen.

I'm such a selfish man, but I slightly don't care. She's the one who made me go soft. I can't be that soft anymore. I need to be the cold guy I used to be.

I glance over at her, and see her talking to the man. It's over for her. She's already in it.
All I can do now?

I grab my phone, and hers, from the table and shove it in my pocket, then walk out the front door.

And I don't look back.

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