₊ ⊹ ☆ Part Nine ☆⊹ ₊

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Maria's pov.

I finally wake up after everything. My eyes had dry tears under them. And my body was halfway off my bed.

I remembered why I passed out, and the tears returned.

Enzo doesn't love me.

I get up and move to my bathroom. I need to wash my face.

I splash water on my skin; and I see all the makeup flow down the drain. My foundation, my mascara, my blush, all mixing together and flowing down the drain.

I look up at myself in the mirror.

My freckles.

I always cover them, since I feel like they make me too childish looking.

"Shake it off, Mari."
I tell myself.

I don't care enough to put makeup back on since I'll most likely cry again. So I just leave it off. I take the stupid dress off, and put on my loose jeans, and an old band T-Shirt. Good enough.

My whole mind is racing, when it shouldn't be. I shouldn't be around Enzo, but where should I go?

My mom would let me move back in, but she wouldn't let me cover my freckles.

Is that really what I'm worried about?

I don't know what to think anymore.

"— But I promise I'll keep you as comfortable as I can here, Alright?"

Not the time to think about this, damnit.

Ever since I woke up, he's been in the back of my mind. Repeating that one sentence..

Why did I find comfort within his words? And his gentle touch?

He didn't want to hurt me.. he said that so many times..

Why do I believe him?

I shouldn't believe him! I should be calling the police! Reporting him, something!-

I so badly want to hate him; but for some odd reason—

I can't....


I'm packing.

I'm packing clothes, personal items, and my chargers, into a bag. My clothes folded nicely and shoved into the right side. My cords squished into a small pocket in the front. My personal items put into the left side beside my clothes.

Why am I packing?

I'm going back.

I'm going back to Nic. Many people would tell me not to, since he kidnapped me, but I wouldn't say he kidnapped me. Something in the back of my mind was yelling at me, like I was forgetting something, but I couldn't remember it.

But he seemed to actually care. I may be thinking the wrong way, but if I am, I'll learn when I get there.

I remember where his house is, which is a benefit since I'm going back. My head isn't thinking clearly, but I don't think I really care right now.

My vision is still mostly blurry from the wet tears in my eyes, but I'm still shoving things in the bag without a care in the world except being happy.

I look at my bed, and see the stuffed bunny that Enzo gave me for my birthday a few years ago.

I grab the bunny.

I push it to the bottom of my bag. Under the clothes. I then put my laptop and my iPad in the cushioned pocket.

I look around the room, and feel the wetness drip down my cheeks. I grab Nic's jacket that I took with me when I left his house, and wrapped it around me.

It looks so empty in here now.

My apron for the cafe, hanging on the closet door. I almost forgot it. I put it on top of everything else.

I throw the bag over my shoulder and wipe the tears from my skin with the back of my hand, then walk out of the door.

"Bye Enzo."
I say as I open the front door. Unable to look back and meet his eyes.

"Where are you going?"
His voice struck me again.

"Hold back the tears, Mari. Be strong."
I think to myself.

"I'm visiting my mom for a few days. She deserves to know what happened."
I reply without looking at him.

"Okay. You'll be back though, right?"

He sounded worried. It's fake worry. He just wants to touch me.

I hum in response.

"Go. Get out before you change your mind."
So I do. I don't say anything else. I walk out the front door, and lock it behind me.


I've been walking for over an hour. My feet hurt, and my head is spinning.

I forgot to eat before I left, and I didn't bring any water with how much of a rush I was in.

I'm so weak, but I'm just around the corner. I can make it.

Once I finally get there, I almost fall against the door as I try to knock.

It's a quiet knock, but I think he heard it.

I hold onto the doorframe to stay standing. Now wouldn't be a good time to pass out. Not when I'm on his doorstep..

The door opened, and his eyes widened.

"Maria? You're.. back..?"
He said in a confused tone, as his hands grabbed onto my arms to hold me up.

My head fell into his chest. Why did I feel so guilty? This wasn't my fault..

"I'm sorry.. I should've believed you.."
I said in a weak whisper.

"You were scared, Maria. It isn't your fault for being scared. You had reason to be."
He assured. His voice was so calming to me. I felt my eyes get heavy again.

"Can.. I stay here? Please?"

"You want to stay here? Maria, are you thinking okay?"
He looked down at my face. He was confused, but I could tell a part of him was happy. It even seemed like his heart sped up a bit..

I just nodded, and practically fell into him. My legs were so weak from all the walking.

He held me up, and just embraced me in his arms.

"You're safe with me, Maria. I promise you."
He said as he kissed my forehead.

My eyes squeezed shut, and I let a few tears fall before my vision went black, and my body fell limp into his arms.

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