₊ ⊹ ☆ Part Five ☆⊹ ₊

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Maria's pov.

The fact that he's slightly attractive to me, scares me. I shouldn't like how my kidnapper looks! But he's exactly my type.. and he's also being so kind and caring! It makes no sense!

I hold the jacket to my nose again. The scent making my whole body tingle.

It smelled familiar, but I couldn't remember it.
It reminded me of middle school a bit, but it doesn't smell directly like anyone I remember..

But it didn't smell like Enzo either. This smelled almost.. better.. but I can't say that!

I laid back down on the very uncomfortable bed, holding the jacket like a stuffed animal.

"Goodnight, Nic.."

I said quietly, as I turned over and faced the wall.

"Sleep decently tonight, love. I'll be by to wake you."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. His lips were soft, and it was quick. But almost warming..

I don't trust him. Not with how nice he's being.

It's suspicious with how kind my kidnapper is.

I roll over to face the wall while holding the jacket close to my chest, and fell asleep that way..


I wake up around an hour later. I wish I didn't. I don't like the smell of this room and I haven't even been here that long. I glance over at the one small window, that's blocked by a piece of plastic to keep me from breaking the glass and getting out. A dove flies by. I've always liked them. They brought me peace, for some reason.

I just watch the dove fly by. Wishing I could be out there too. I don't like how kind Nic is, but at the same time, I kinda do.

I wish I had my phone. But I left it at the stupid party. Enzo probably has it now. Maybe he put it back in my room.

Maybe he's wondering where I am, and started looking for me, since I didn't go home with him last night..


I know he told me not to struggle in the chains, but I just don't want to be free. I want to move around.

I'm not a very strong person, but I have very smalls wrists and hands. So after a bit of struggling, I slipped out of them. A few scratches on my hand, but nothing bad.

Now that my hands are free, I removed the ones from my ankles, since the neck chain was removed earlier. I get up and fix my dress. The jacket he gave me, I grabbed it and put it on. It was huge on me, but it was warm.

I decided to look around, for anything I could use to get out.


He definitely cleaned this room before bringing me here.

I looked out the window again. Maybe I could remove the plastic?

I moved over and tugged at the plastic over the glass. It came right off. I quickly opened the window and squeezed out of it, then got up the hill. I just started running. Hoping I could find the way.

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