₊ ⊹ ☆ Part Four ☆⊹ ₊

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Nic's pov.

I finally saved her. The girl I've been hoping for. Years of following, and watching, just to get her to remember me. Following her made me find out all of her favorite things though. I made sure to know how to cook anything and make sure she'll like it. Take care of her how she's always wanted.

My full name is Nicolo, but I couldn't tell her, cause she would've known me immediately. Part of me wanted to tell her, and see her face as she realized who I was. But the other part of me didn't want to tell her yet. Let her find out on her own.

I'll love her now, and as soon as she trusts me enough, I can remove those stupid restraints and let her move freely and be herself.

She's like the sun to me. Lighting the path that I should follow. I don't think I'd ever be able to lay a finger on her that she didn't want. I already know that I'm her type, because I made myself to be her type. Black curly hair, caring, loving, willing to take care of her and remember the small things. I didn't have to change my height, since I'm already decently tall, and my dark eyes, but I couldn't change those things anyway.

But I just want her trust. That's all I want. I want to make her feel safe.

Ever since 8th grade, she was in 7th, when she would make sure I ate something since my parents would always forget to give me money to buy lunch. She would always be kind, and she would give me some of her meal. I just... I couldn't forget her. Especially since everyone knew me as the nerdy kid. As soon as I left high school, I took care of that and spent that time working out, and cutting my hair to a better length. I made myself look good.

As soon as I found out what high school she was going to, I went there before she did.. But when I graduated, and I didn't go to college, I found out that she planned on going to the one near her parents house. I decided to watch and make sure she was safe, since I couldn't be near her all the time myself.

But then she met Enzo as her roommate, and I couldn't help but see how different she acted with him. How much happier she felt. I was hurt.

As soon as he started planning to do bad things to her, to touch her, I knew I couldn't let her stay there. I had to keep her safe. It was for her own good.

I know she doesn't eat like she should, since she barely has enough money to pay off her school textbooks. All from that barista position at the coffee shop. She doesn't make much, but she spends wisely, so I'll give her the credit.

She's perfect in every single way. Her face, the way her hair frames it, her innocent eyes. Her figure is heavenly, but her personality and intelligence just put it all together. You can have an attractive girl and everything, but if she's boring and stupid, the looks aren't worth it.

But Maria is everything I've ever wished for. Yet she's in love with that prick. She doesn't want to admit it, but she is. And it pisses me off that she fell for him, when bribing him with some cash was all it took for him to drug her drink.


He doesn't even treat her well. I could treat her perfectly. Treat her how she deserves.

My whole body is snapped back to reality when I hear the chains rattle. She's squirming again. I know she isn't comfortable here yet, and I understand why, but her squirming is only going to injure her wrists.

I step into the room, locking the door behind me.

"Squirming is going to injure your wrists, love."
I said gently.

"Please don't call me that, and these are so cold and uncomfortable. What do you expect from me?"
Her response makes my heart crack a bit. She just isn't used to me, it's alright.

"I have to keep them on you until I know you won't run away. But I could get some padding to put in them so they're warmer and more comfortable?"
I suggest. I want her as comfortable as she can be with the conditions.

"I'll get you a few blankets as well. Alright?"

Her weak response worries me. I don't want her sad. But there isn't much I can do until I know she trusts me.

"Can I get anything else? The most I could do right now would be to give you more room to move. You'd still have the restraints, but you'd be able to move your arms to a certain point. Would you want that?"

I smile a bit.

She nodded. I immediately move over and let her arms move a bit. She stretches her arms first, then looks up at me with those eyes.


My gut gets pushed away by her hands, and she moved further into the corner.

"I understand that you're scared and uncomfortable, Maria. But I promise, that I'll make you as comfortable as I can here. Alright?"

I said softly. I don't take any personal offense to her actions.

She just has to get used to me..

That's all it is..


"Can.. I get that blanket you offered..?"

She whispered in a shaky voice. She was shivering.. I suppose it was quite cold on the room, and she was still in the dress from that party.

"Yes, yes Ofcourse, darling. Here's a coat until i get back with the blanket."

I place my jacket around her body without touching her too much. Then leave the room to get her blankets.

I will treat her well.

She'll be my princess.

The only one in the world for me.

I return with the blankets, to see my jacket to her nose. Smelling it.

"Your cologne smells familiar."
She says softly as she holds my jacket to her chest and nose.

"You can keep the jacket if you'd like. The cologne is called 'Deep Mocha Wave' by the way."

The same cologne I wore in 8th grade. She remembered it. But I don't think she remembers me.

I bring the blankets over to her, and gently wrap them around her small body. Making sure to leave the jacket accessible to her.

"Can I ask you something?"
Her soft voice stops me in my tracks from leaving the room.

"Yes, dove?"
I turn to look at her.

"Why are you doing this? You don't seem like you'd do something against any legalities.."

She looked up at me as she spoke. There's that smart little brain of hers working and making questions..

"You'll learn soon enough, Maria. I can't tell you so soon, or you may try and escape quicker."

I sighed. I want to tell her, but I know she would try to run away.

I can't let her.

I can't lose her again.

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