Reunited ch 12

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"Reunited ch 12"
Lila Rae-Lila Rae was at home working on an article when Lorenzo came into the room he hated seeing his daughter like this a single mother so young," Lila Rae "Daddy, Why are you here "To see how you are" I'm alright, Courtney is sleeping and I'm working "Lila Rae, Do you need anything "No, Daddy I know you hate that I'm a single mother but I love my daughter 'I know you do, I just wish you were not doing this alone "I know but I'm strong you and mother raise me that way" Yes we did, I love you" I love you too" Lorenzo left.

At General Hospital-Alan was in the hallway looking around it was hard for him to be here then he wanted to admit it As Kevin came by."Alan, Are you ok "Yes it's just different to be back "Alan, If you need any help or want to talk to someone "Thanks Kevin, I will keep that in mind "You're Welcome "How are you and Laura "we are happy "That's great "Yes it is"

At Edward/Lila Hotel-Carly and Todd, we're having dinner together."This was nice I missed talking to someone "Me too, I didn't have any friends and my children hadn't called me in a while "I'm sorry but I'm glad I called you to come to town" Me too "Brenda came by and saw them talking and pick up her phone ."Hello, I have some information you may need "

At JR House-Jr and Nellie were kissing each other and were about to make love."Jr, I have been enjoying this time together "Me too, We are alike "Yes we are, We could scheme together "What kind of scheming are you talking about "Oh you will like it,I want to take the Cassadine empire "I will help you as long as you don't go after any money that sure be my sister "No I won't "Good ,This is going to be fun"Jr and Nellie smile.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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