Reunited ch 35

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"Reunited ch 35"
At Lucy's Office-Lucy was working on her new makeup line her company was doing great and Lucy was happy when Carly came into the office."We need to talk "Carly, I'm busy you can't just come in and demand that we talk "It's about you're daughter you will want to talk to me "What about Christy "I know she was the driver who hit Skye and Olivia "Lucy was in shocked about that Carly know."What do you want "I understand you were protecting you're daughter but Christy needs to do the right thing if she wasn't drinking it would have been easier "My daughter wasn't drinking "Lucy you know the right thing is for Christy to turn herself in" Lucy got up."You have never done the right thing "No and I'm sure you haven't either but our children are the best of us" Yes, I have loved Christy since that night I met her she adopted her biological mother drop her off at the nurse ball one year when I saw her I know she was mine, I love her" Christy is your daughter "Yes, How did you find out "I was curious about Christy past and I found out that way" Did you find out about Julie" Yes" Please don't say anything, Christy doesn't know anything about her biological mother "Of course not, I will let you handle this but I know you will do the right thing" Carly left and Lucy pick up the phone."Scotty, I need to see you "

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was all dressed in black when Skye came into the room."Lorenzo, What are you doing "I'm going to protect our son and make sure Joe never wakes up" Lorenzo "Skye I have to do this" Lorenzo kissed Skye and left. Skye was nervous for her family.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica and Ned and Olivia we're having tea and coffee when Michael and Sabrina came into the room."We have news, We are getting married "That's wonderful! "Yes, I'm happy for both of you" Thanks "Welcome to the family Sabrina "Thanks "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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