Reunited part 1 ch 16

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"Reunited ch 16"
Melissa-Melissa was having breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Melissa went to open it was a male ."JJ Scully" Melissa, Why did you call me" Melissa closed the door."I need you to take care of someone as soon as possible "You want me to kill someone "I'm sure you don't have a problem with it" No, Who is it"

At Kate's house was at home with Felicia."Did you Find Anytime "I found some documentary that's all" Do you think I'm right about it"

Melissa-Melissa was showing JJ a picture of Kate and Felicia."You want me to kill the police commissioner's wife "Yes they both are digging into a secret "What did you do?" I got revenge on someone who put me in jail"

At Edward/Lila hotel-Jr and Nellie, we're having breakfast together when Skye came by," What are you up to" Nothing "Oh I know you both you're up to something "Alright, We are up to something "What" We are going after the Cassadine empire "Just be careful, Lila Rae" We will not hurt anything that belongs to Lila Rae and Courtney " Good, Just be careful "We will" As Erica came by," Skye, Can we talk "Yes, Let's go to my office "Skye and Erica left."We sure go somewhere and talk private "Yes" Michael came by."Michael "Nelle, JR" How are you "Good "Nellie and Jr left.

At General Hospital-Sabrina was there when she finally started back on her job as a doctor and loved it as Melissa came by."Dr. Santiago, I'm Nurse Melissa Benford" Nice to meet you" You too it's good to have you back I heard everything about you" I hope it's good "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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