Reunited ch 26

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"Reunited ch 26"
At General Hospital -Kate's room-Kate was in bed still in a coma when Olivia came into the room and sat down by her bedside and took Kate's hands."I love you Kate and we are going to find the person who did this and you're going to wake up, You have to "Olivia cried she wanted Kate to wake up.

Skye's room-Skye was in bed when Lorenzo came into the room."How are you feeling "Better, I want to go home "You will you just need to take it easy, Skye I'm going to find the person who shot you and Kate "As Xavier came into the room."I want to help you father "Xavier, You Aren't working with you're father Xavier took his mother's hands Mother, We almost lost you" I know you're scared but it's going to be okay "Xavier We will talk about this at home "Skye was getting sleepy."Let's go and let your mother rest "I love you both, Be safe" Skye fell asleep as Lorenzo and Xavier left the room...

At The Hallway-Lorenzo and Xavier came into the hallway."Father, You're worried about who did this aren't you, Do you know who it was" As Alan came by."How's Skye "Sleeping "Skye needs rest, so I'll go check on her "Thanks "Lorenzo and Xavier left.

Skye's room-Skye was sleeping as Alan came into the room and checked on her as Rae came into the room."How's our daughter "Skye going to be just fine "I was worried we would lose her again "I know but you didn't "No" Last night was crazy with Skye and Kate and Felicia "Yes"

At Felicia's room-Felicia was in bed when Mac Tess and Maxie came into the room."Mother, Do you remember who stabbed you" No" It's okay, We will find the person "Yes we will "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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