Reunited ch 19

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"Reunited ch 19"
At Nellie-Nellie and Jr we're talking about what they found on the Cassadine empire."What sure we do about this" We take over the Cassadine empire "Or we could tell AJ and Michael and get a share of ELQ" Nellie, We could open our empire now that my son is running Chandler enterprises "Alright Let's do it" Nellie you can trust me I want you in this with me all the way" Alright "

At The Park-Skye and Kate, we're  talking."Kate, We want to add makeup to the Crimson magazine "I love that idea, Skye I'm glad we became friends "Me too "Skye, I need to tell you something "What" As gunshots went off and hit both women? Aj came by he was pushing his son in the stroller and saw Skye and Kateshot at."No! Skye! AJ called for help.

At Todd's office-Todd was working when Lila Rae came into the room," Todd, I'm giving my two weeks in" Why" My Father brought a studio for me to have my talk show "You can't leave! If you do I will sue you" Go ahead, My Father is a mob boss I wouldn't pis him off "

Lorenzo/Skye-Lorenzo was at home when his cell phone went off it was AJ," Someone shot Skye "No! Lorenzo hung up and called Lila Rae.

At Todd's office Lila Rae was about to leave when her cell phone rang it was Lorenzo."Daddy, What! Lila Rae hangs up ."Is everything okay "My Mother had been shot" No, I'll take you to the Hospital "Thanks "

Felicia was in her garage holding files about the baby switch when someone came behind her covered her mouth took the files and then stabbed her.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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