Ryomen Sukuna

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"DO YOU THINK I SHOULD MAKE THE BASS LINE SOUND LIKE THIS... OR LIKE THIS?" Thumpy bass notes floated through the air as [Name]'s question lingered alongside the upbeat music.

Megumi hummed in thought, considering his genuine opinion on [Name]'s music. He swiveled around in [Name]'s rolling chair to face her. She laid on her back sprawled across her dorm room bed with the bass resting across her chest, her hair messily framing her face. [Name] pivoted her head in Megumi's direction and anticipated his answer.

"I'm waitinggg," she sing-songed as she continued to pluck random tunes on the instrument. The thudding was soft as the amp resting beside the bed frame was turned down pretty low. The last time [Name] had the volume up any higher Maki stormed into [Name]'s dorm and fully fledged wrestled her until she was stuck in an intense headlock. [Name] still remembers the bruise the girl left on her neck that lasted well over a week.

Megumi rolled his eyes at [Name]'s lack of patience while sighing and idly rocking himself from left to right. "The... first one. It sounds more... upbeat jazz? While the other one is slow jazz." Megumi raised his eyebrow at [Name] waiting for her approval.

[Name]'s eyes shifted from Megumi's eyes to the ceiling where a few glow-in-the-dark stickers speckled across. The sight of them brought back the memory where Megumi and her moved into the dorms for the first time. Gojo gave his two favorite students gag gifts, which was some random anime cat-girl figurine for Megumi and the stickers for [Name]. It was a fond memory. [Name]'s gaze fell onto her desk where Megumi's anime cat-girl figure sat, there was no world where he'd have that in his room. Luckily, [Name] thought it was funny.

"I agree. You have a good ear, Megumi. You should let me-"

"You are not teaching me an instrument, you know I'm not musically proficient whatsoever," Megumi grumbled as he interrupted his friend. She could only sigh before returning her attention back to bass fiddling while Megumi went back to playing on his phone.

[Name]'s humming along with her soft bass strumming relaxed Megumi as he continued his random internet scrolling. The increased quality time between him and [Name] was a plus to joining Jujutsu High as beforehand [Name]'s family constantly beat her down with training, practice, and whatever nonsense they deemed needed for her to be the best sorcerer the Utashiro clan had seen.

But just as Megumi started to fully bask in him and [Name]'s time spent together, his phone frantically vibrated. He groaned at the caller ID, causing [Name] to perk up from her laying position. Megumi answered the call, reluctantly, putting it to his ear.

"What do you w-"


[Name]'s curiosity was fulfilled. She smirked at Megumi teasingly when she noticed his immediate discomfort with Gojo's obnoxious volume across the phone before returning to her comfy position on the bed. Megumi scoffed at [Name].

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