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"YOUR BOW ANGLE IS OFF, IT'S MAKING YOUR TONE WAVER. KEEP IT STEADY. ALSO YOUR D STRING IS FLAT, TUNE IT," An aggravated voice huffed as she watched her gifted daughter continue to 'fail' at the cello.

[Name] furrowed her eyebrows in frustration as her fingers shook from fatigue. Her mother's words were not very encouraging, but it was a break compared to her father's borderline abusive verbiage when they'd train in hand-to-hand combat. So [Name] took what she could get.

The young sorcerer placed the bow onto the stand in front of her, a sign of giving up. Her mother shook her head in disapproval before smacking the prodigy sorcerer across the face with the baton in her hand, muttering words along the lines of her child being a 'failure musician'.

[Name] remained motionless to the smack, not daring to give her mother a reaction to satisfy her sadistic tendencies. This punishment did not work on [Name] anymore, in fact it usually caused them to rebel and do nothing in response. Her parents eventually learned more torturous ways to keep [Name] on track, whether that be threatening to hurt her cats or cutting off all contact to her one and only friend.

"Mother, I'm proficient at all wind instruments and piano. They are completely different than string instruments- I'm not even bad at the cello!" [Name] noted as she ran her fingernail along the years old calluses on her left finger pads. [Name]'s mother waved her hand at her daughter to dismiss her and her reasoning. Her and her standards were never easy to work with.

Suddenly, a ring toned from [Name]'s phone, signifying a new notification. [Name] peered up through her eyelashes towards her mother to see her distracted, most likely trying to find more challenging cello concertos to practice on. [Name] shook her head in annoyance before opening her phone to see a text message from her dear friend Megumi:

megumi B)
4:53 pm

[Name] smiled to herself. She deserved a well needed break from the practice torture dungeon and her mother.

be there in 10
4:54 pm

"I'm going on a walk," [Name] announced, not bothering to even ask. She knew she'd say no and her mother knew she'd find a way out anyways. [Name]'s mother glared at her star child. She sucked her teeth to contain any degrading words to herself and quickly left the room to avoid the annoying presence of her prodigy child. [Name] snickered to herself, successfully pissing off her mother, before packing away her cello and scampering off to meet with Megumi.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

[Name]'s fingers tightened the scarf curled around her neck as she was nearing the bridge. Japan's chilly February weather was evident as snow dusted passing trees and rooftops along with [Name]'s shaking figure. She was arrogant in believing she would be okay in her comfy home attire with a heavy jacket and boots. Laziness and its consequences.

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