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"HEY, [NAME], HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED THE WALRUS? I think Gojo said it was a good one!"

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"HEY, [NAME], HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED THE WALRUS? I think Gojo said it was a good one!"

"Never watch The Walrus."

[Name] and Itadori were once again huddled up on the couch watching a plethora of movies alongside the abusive cursed doll for Itadori's training. At this point, the duo had lost count at the amount of movie they had binged together, the films all morphing into one memory.

The pink haired boy whined at [Name]'s criticism of The Walrus, eager to know why she felt the way she did towards the movie. She simply stared at Itadori with wide, petrified eyes, shaking her head side to side slowly. With a sigh, Itadori placed DVD box of The Walrus away with the other 'unwatchable' movies ('unwatchable' as in [Name]'s professional opinion).

[Eye color] eyes followed Itadori as he then shuffled around the unwatched DVD boxes of movies in an attempt to find a movie to suit their combined likings. Both him and [Name] were sick of action movies, practically overdosing on head-splitting, inspirational soundtracks and far too many 'that looked like it hurt!' lines. Following the cease of action movies, the pair had dipped their toes into emotional movies. A Dog's Purpose did the job, and the two of them swore off dead dog movies along with the genre as a whole.

Continuing to sift through the multitude of movie boxes, Itadori's tapping against the plastic cases of the DVD's were starting to pester [Name]. Though it was a habit [Name] could relate to, it annoyed her nevertheless.

The girl scooted closer to Itadori while leaning down towards the coffee table to take a gander at the DVDs. A waft of [Name]'s perfume and shampoo scent flooded Itadori's sense of smell, leading him to halt his breathing completely- not because she smelled bad, more because he didn't want to seem like a creep by wanting to take in more of her scent.

[Name] took notice of Itadori's rigid appearance, passing him a side glance. "Am I too close to you?" she questioned with a hint of insecurity. First thing that came to [Name]'s mind as an explanation to Itadori's odd body language was that she smelled, frankly. She was always self-conscious of her scent as she herself had a sensitive nose and did not enjoy body odor or overstimulating smells.

Itadori stammered amidst his head shaking frantically. "No!" he wrapped a firm arm around her shoulders to affirm his comfortability, drawing nearer, "I don't mind at all... Unless you do- sorry." Itadori attempted to unwrap his arm around her shoulders, but a soft touch of her hand stopped him.

"Nah, it's okay. I thought I smelled like shit or something," [Name] admitted, shifting her attention back onto the DVDs.

Itadori chortled. "I actually think you smell really nice."

[Name] beamed as her overthinking was overruled by Itadori's compliment. "Really? That's a relief."

After the tenth or eleventh shuffle of DVDs, the girl landed on a copy on the classic romance movie, La La Land. She shook the movie in front of Itadori's face teasingly.

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