Girl of Steel

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WORD COUNT: 4620 words

"HOW ARE THERE ONLY FOUR FIRST YEARS? THAT'S PRACTICALLY NOTHING," Itadori noted to his fellow classmates as they waited for Gojo

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"HOW ARE THERE ONLY FOUR FIRST YEARS? THAT'S PRACTICALLY NOTHING," Itadori noted to his fellow classmates as they waited for Gojo. He nibbled on his blue popsicle while [Name] sat directly to his right eating her own. Megumi, not one for fun, stood next to [Name], ice cream-less.

"Think about it, can you honestly say you've ever met someone else who can see curses?" Megumi questioned, eyeballing [Name]'s ice cream.

Itadori hummed in thought with his popsicle between his teeth. "Guess not," he mumbled.

"Because," Megumi spoke up, "jujutsu sorcerers- they're rare."

"Didn't you say I was the fourth first year?" Itadori questioned. [Name] groaned softly under her breath as her ice cream started to bother her stomach. She held her ice cream up to Megumi, who reluctantly took it, but she knew he was craving it.

"The other's admission was decided awhile ago. You know what our school's like, everyone has unique circumstances," [Name] noted, wiping off any ice cream residue on her mouth with her sleeve. Megumi took a bite of the gifted ice cream, throughly enjoying it.

"Sorry for the wait!" a familiar voice jingled. Gojo approached his first years. "Oh, your uniform came in," He noticed, looking over Itadori's uniform.

"Yeah, it fits great!" Itadori smiled. "Though, I noticed it's slightly different from Fushiguro and [Name]'s. Mine's got a hood."

"That's because the uniforms can be customized upon request," Gojo informed Itadori.

Itadori's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "But I never put in a request?"

"You're right, I was the one who put in the custom order," Gojo admitted, smiling.

"Huh...Oh, well cool," Itadori said, fiddling with his new and unique uniform.

[Name] leaned over, close to Itadori's ear. "Be careful," she whispered, her breath fanning over Itadori's ear and neck, causing him to shiver and slightly blush, "he has an odd habit of doing that sort of thing." Itadori faced [Name], his blush evident as he nodded. Megumi furrowed his eyebrows at the scene.

"So why are we meeting up here in Harajuku?" Megumi questioned, turning his attention away from [Name] and Itadori.

"Because, that's what she asked for," Gojo answered. [Name]'s eyes widened at the pronoun drop.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.

"Wait, she's the one we have to go and talk to?" Itadori nervously pondered as him, [Name], and Megumi watched as a girl with a ginger bob manhandled what seemed to be a model recruiter in front of them. "This is real embarrassing," Itadori said as he held up his popcorn and crepe, wearing glasses spelling out 'rook'. Megumi and [Name] eyed each other at the irony.

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