Small Fry and Reverse Retribution

389 21 2

WORD COUNT: 4112 words
a/n: the format was tweaking out earlier so if u see anything weird... erm


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"What?! How are you getting them every time? That's insane!" Yuji exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air as one of them held his phone playing notes on an app.

Bored out of their minds, Yuji challenged [Name]'s supposed 'perfect pitch' and scrambled to find an app that would play certain pitches for her to listen to. In theory, the note would play and she would hear it then say what pitch it was. She did and she was right every single time.

"See? Do I look like a liar to you?" [Name] smirked as she crossed her legs comfortably on the couch in Yuji's dungeon (the basement for training). Across from her sitting on coffee table, Yuji groaned into his hands and placed his phone down beside him, giving up and fully believing in her perfect pitch.

"No... It just makes me jealous, even if I don't have a clue when it comes to this music stuff. Your ears are so... so... so smart!" Yuji sighed while leaning back on his palms for support. His brown eyes caught onto the hazy light above. He could pinpoint dust clouding the rim of the lamp glass... and maybe even a few bugs deceased, their shadows casted by the warm light.

[Name] shrugged her shoulders passively as she pushed herself off the couch to walk around. She could feel her back muscles begin to stiffen due to her lack of movement. "It's a blessing and a curse."

The cursed vessel curiously hummed and brought his attention back down to the girl in front of him amidst her wandering. She walked along the wooden planks, avoiding the lines separating each and every plank, like a child avoiding cracks in the sidewalk.

"What do you mean?" Yuji asked. [Name] halted her game of 'step on a crack, break your mother's back (wood flooring addition)' to lock her gaze onto Yuji's from across the room.

"Well, for starters, I have to wear these ear plugs," she plucked out two clear earplugs from her head, "twenty-four-seven in order to not go crazy."

Yuji's eyes widened at the sight of the hearing devices, suddenly remembering that he saw them when Gojo was teaching him about domain expansion with the cursed spirit that deeply resembled Mount Fuji. He could recall Gojo scolding the girl about keeping them in at all times and Yuji himself wanting to question her on it.

"Yeah... I remember Gojo saying you need to keep those in all the time, why's that?" Yuji leaned his head to the side.

"My hearing is an innate gift, like Gojo's Six Eyes. My sense of hearing is multiple times enhanced compared to a normal person's hearing. I can sense cursed energy instantly through my ears, like Gojo can with his eyes. But like him, I need to restrain my innate gift because having intense hearing constanting overstimulates and hurts me," [Name] explained while simultaneously sauntering back to the couch to sit down.

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