Curse Womb Must Die

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"DEFINITELY A CURSE WOMB, OUR WINDOW VERIFIED THAT ABOUT THREE HOURS AGO. ONCE 90% WAS EVACUATED, THE DECISION WAS MADE TO SEAL OFF THE CENTER. All citizens within a 500 meter radius have been evacuated as well," announced the man responsible for driving the four sorcerers to the curse womb, Mr. Kiyotaka Ijichi.

Rain trickled down from the bulbous grey clouds above the sorcerers, creating a dull and lifeless aura which encased an even more flat-looking building ahead. The sorcerers came to learn previously that this bleak building was a juvie detention center, hiding numerous curses. [Name] felt uneasy at the sheer amount of cursed energy ahead of her. This was not going to be one of her dwindling good days.

"I have a question, what is this 'window'?" Itadori inquired Ijichi, his cluelessness of the jujutsu world still evident.

"It's an in-house term for unique members of Jujutsu High who can see curses, but they're not sorcerers," Ijichi throughly explained. Itadori acknowledged Ijichi with an understanding 'okay' before the driver continued his explanation of the situation in front of them all.

[Name] began to zone out, enjoying the pattering of rain on her skin. Even if her hearing abilities were bordering subpar to Gojo, she had the unfortunate flaw of occasionally zoning out and not tuning into this excellent hearing. However, she would just rely on Megumi to clear anything up for her if the time comes, like usual. Though, this distracted state was cut short whenever the words 'special grade' escaped from Ijichi's mouth. [Name] swiveled her head towards Megumi and Nobara, their eyes locking with [Name]'s.

"Hey, so, I still don't understand what this 'special grade' means?" Itadori admitted, glowering at Ijichi for an explanation. Megumi and Nobara groaned at his lack of knowledge while [Name] simply felt pity for him. He'd get there eventually. Ijichi talked through the chart of grade curses if 'conventional weapons were effective against cursed spirits', a special grade being 'even footing with a carpet bombing of cluster bombs'. Itadori seemed to finally grasp the severity of special grade curses.

"Normally," Megumi spoke up, quite irritated, "a sorcerer on par with the grade spirit would handle this, and in this case that would've been Gojo."

"That figures," Itadori said. "So, where is Gojo then?"

"Away on business. Guy like him has better things to do than loaf around the school in the first place," Megumi answered, his irritation still evident.

"Unfortunately, we're often short handed in the business. You'll often have to undertake missions beyond your expertise. However, this current case is an urgent one and most abnormal. So no matter what, don't fight. And should you encounter a special grade, you run or you die." Ijichi finished his speech, creating uncomfortable and shocked reactions from Nobara and Yuji. Megumi and [Name] stared ahead, hearing this speech a plethora of times before. "Please do not disregard your fears and don't forget that your entire mission today is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors." After Ijichi concluded his speech an older woman called out near the entrance of the prison gates.

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