Special Chapter

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Ok I know I'm making this chapter late but in my defense I'm lazy and I didn't have time.


With every passing day the boy stands on the bridge, watching the things precious to him die.

The screen changes showing thousands of strings which were holding something, with every death, every blood spilled from his precious, a string seems to snap.


Only one string is visible now desperately holding the object, it's the boy's sanity.

*Snap* the last string snapped.

"Yo Timmie! How's it going?" Rimuru yelled towards Timmie, He had just finished his commission of getting six pieces of fowl.

Timmie looked at Rimuru without moving his head and only his eyes which held the hatred to burn the world six times over.

"Huh? Are you okay Timmie?" He asked him.

Rimuru dodged some pigeons that suddenly dived towards his head barely avoiding getting hit.

"Woah that was close! ........Uh Timmie you weren't the one who sent those towards my head right?"

Timmie just looked at Rimuru without saying anything, his only reply being "Die"

Rimuru dodged another flock of pigeons that tried to hit him on his feet by jumping up to the sky.

While still being in the sky, another flock of pigeons appeared in front of him going at high speeds.

"That's enough Timmie!" Rimuru slashed downwards at the pigeons using Anemo to slice all of them.

Blood painted the bridge in messy strokes, flowing deeper in the cracks, turning slowly black.

Timmie glanced at his hands, he felt the blood flowing through his fingers, over his hand and dripping on the ground.

He clenched his fist and started mumbling something.".....I will stop this....I want the blood spilled to be repaid...."

"Uh Timmie you need to speak up, I can't hear you" Rimuru in a defensive position, his sword towards Timmie spoke.

"....They are important to me,This is my Ambition.."

Suddenly a bright light shined, from where Timmie was blinding Rimuru.

"AH! MY EYES!" Rimuru then opened his eyes and saw a vision floating in front of Timmie, "Is that.... A pigeon vision?"

The ground then started to shake, rocks falling into the water, the dirt flying into the sky. The bridge they were on started tilting making Rimuru fall back towards Monstadt's Gate.

Rimuru not taking his eyes off Timmie, was expecting another attack.


The ground started shaking."W-What?!"

Suddenly Mondstadt starts lifting up into the air making rocks and debris fall off, it gets completely gets off the ground and a massive pigeon emerged from the depths below Mondstadt. With a thunderous flap of its wings, Monstadt lifted into the air.

Rimuru lost his footing as the city started flying into the sky, Timmie then flew towards Rimuru intending to kick him, at a speed which caught him off guard.

*Boom* The kick from Timmie made a large explosion destroying multiple buildings and killing ....people.

Rimuru gets up from the explosive kick, spits blood on the floor then wipes his mouth " *wipes his mouth* So that's how it's gonna be Timmie?" Rimuru then notices the corpses around him and realizes what just happened ".......Wait a second Timmie there's people here! Stop!"

Timmie with his pigeons carrying him hovered in the air and looked at Rimuru with hatred.

Timmie doesn't take his eyes off Rimuru, Mondstadt was getting flown higher and higher by the giant pigeon until.....

"Drop" Timmie spoke one word and the giant pigeon disappeared turning into thousands of pigeons.

Monstadt stopped flying into the sky, everything paused for Rimuru, his eyes widening realizing what was about to happen.

Monstadt started falling from the sky, gaining speed with every second and its people started flinging off of it. While falling, Rimuru desperately tries to use his Anemo abilities to lift the entirety of Monstadt but to no avail until eventually......


Mondstadt lands at Windrise, the entire place gets enveloped by a cloud of dust.

Mondstadt is in pieces, buildings and windmills thrown 100s of feet apart and not even a single unbroken building left.

Before the dust even settles Rimuru jumps up from the pile of rubble which used to be Monstadt.

He looks up and sees Thousands upon thousands of pigeons nose diving towards him but he could also see something bright coming behind those pigeons as well....... it was the burning corpses of Monstadt's civilians.

The pigeons avoid the falling corpses and then disappear, the bodies fall towards Rimuru. Blood splatters everywhere, Rimuru looks towards the corpses, the bodies were burnt but he could still make out who they were "Lisa....., Jean...., Kaeya......, Amber....."

Rimuru's eyes get some darkness over them but before he could even do anything Timmie comes.

"How the turn tables- I mean ...how the tables have turned"

Rimuru doesn't reply.

Timmie keeps on mocking Rimuru and says "Doesn't feel good does it?, the only thing you can do is stand in one place while the people you care about die, not even being able to help them"

Rimuru still doesn't reply and continues staring at the corpses not even looking towards Timmie.

"You know I should celebrate the deaths of those insec-"

Rimuru, with one hand, slashes his sword towards Timmie and cuts his head off, without taking his eyes off the dead bodies.

Rimuru walks over to his friends corpses and collapses, their blood spreading towards him and soaking into his clothes.....



Ahh~ nothing beats celebrating an achievement after someone loses their friends.

So yeah that was the special chapter, tell me if it was good or not.

Also the next special chapter will be at uhhhh 100 followers. I know I'm not gonna hurt that milestone anytime soon so I can just relax and continue with the main story.

Oh yeah this chapter isn't canon to my main story so none of this actually happened and the Monstadt people are still a-ok.

Don't forget to vote for this chapter and follow me. Also again tell me if this chapter was good or not. That's all Byeeeeeee, see you in like two weeks or a month.

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