Teyvat, visions and discharge

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Lumine's Point Of View

It has been about three days or so and the day of my release has come. Finally, no more hospital foods, though it wasn't that bad, except for the fact that some of it was bland as fuck and I couldn't taste shit.

Aether would sometimes visit, and when I mean sometimes, I mean everyday within every hour. He would come at 7 am then leave at probably late in the night, sometimes even the next morning. I ain't going nowhere, so I won't be leaving till my release day, which is today by the way.

During Aether's visits, I realized that I don't really have any friends. No one other than Aether ever visits me, which leaves me with unanswered questions. Oh well, guess I'll just have to find them out myself.

Aether filled out the papers the doctor gave him and I was able to change into a different clothes. Hospital gowns are so uncomfortable and I hope I won't be coming back here again.

"Ready to go back home?" Aether said.

"I wanna leave this place as soon as possible." I bluntly said.

Aether chuckled at my lack of response, "Okay. Oh just a sec I have to do something, Albedo could you stay with her for a bit?" Aether ran out of the room, leaving me with Albedo.

Ah I forgot, Albedo also tagged along to get me. I haven't seen him since I first woke up, guess he didn't care about me to visit me with Aether. Did Aether force Albedo to come with him? Albedo was staring- I mean, glaring at me.

Why is he glaring at me? What did I do to make him glare at me? I haven't done anything wrong, have I? Did my past self do something bad? If so, what? Why can't I remember? If I could remember, maybe I could apologize to him for what I did before?

His glares start to irritate me and I finally snapped, "Could you please stop glaring at me? What is your problem anyways? What did I do to you?" I ask questions that I hope he will answer.

His face was kinda funny to me. It was surprised and shocked. His eyes darted away from me.

What's his deal?

New POV unlock

Albedo's Point Of View

That caught me off guard. She was never like this. She never talked back. She always answers never questioned. She did lose her memories, maybe that's why she's different now?

My eyes darted away when she spoke those words. Is she finally back? No way, she's been like this for over centuries now, there's no way she's back. But what if it's possible? If she is back, then there's no reason for me to put up a facade, to put up this act of hatred towards her?

Are you back Lumine? Or are you just pretending to be back?

"You said you don't remember anything before you woke up right?" I said without thinking.

Lumine looked at me, confused, but nodded nonetheless. "Yeah, the doctor says I have amnesia." She said.

Huh, amnesia.

"Well, you probably don't know about Teyvat then, right?"

"Well I know that Teyvat is the continent we live in and that's about all."

"Then do you know what a vision is?"

Wait, why am I talking to her? She's nothing but a shell. An emotionless shell. There's no way the real her is back. There's just no way.

"No, I don't. Could you tell me?" Her eyes lit up, hoping I would accept her request.

If she was someone else, which she is right? I would've said no. But something possessed me into accepting her request.

"A vision is like an elemental force, there are seven of them," I took my geo vision from my pocket, "This is one of them, this one is called Geo."

"In order to receive a vision, one must have an ambition." I continue.

I didn't know what possessed me that day, but I was glad it did, because I couldn't stop staring at her. Her eyes lit up upon seeing the Geo vision.

Wait. Her eyes lit up?

Her eyes used to be dull, devoid of life, it doesn't have a soul nor did it have a purpose to live, so why is it shining so bright it'll one day outshine the sun?

She's finally back?

Our savior is back from her endless torment?

Maybe I could tell this to the others of what I just witnessed? But if I do, they would take her away from me, just like how the heavenly principals took her from me once.

Let me be a little bit selfish for once, I want this moment to last for a bit. I want to be the first and only person to ever know about her return. But time is cruel and Aether was done with whatever he was doing.

Lumine Point Of View

After my talk with Albedo, I realized that maybe he wasn't that bad? I don't know he confuses me sometimes with his personality shifting. One moment his glaring at me, the next his telling me stories about the world we live in, which I am grateful for because I do not want to ask questions.

Visions huh? I wonder if I have one? But if I do, which one? Albedo says there are seven of them, Geo, which Albedo has, Cryo, Pyro, Anemo, Electro, Hydro and Dendro. Each of the elements is controlled differently.

I shouldn't get my hopes up, I'm still recovering and thinking about what kind of vision I possess would increase my headache.

The drive back home was filled with Aether's rambling and me listening attentively. He said something about me dropping out from Teyvat Academy the day before the incident happened. Why did I drop out? Was it volunteerly? Or did I fail? Either way I didn't care, as long as I could make it in life.

We arrived at our home and it was a two story mansion. Okay that took me off guard, are we rich?

"We live in a mansion?" I ask, looking at the mansion with awe in my eyes.

"Yeah our parents are really well known but they're abroad, visiting our cousin." Aether said, chuckling at my awed eyes.

"C'mon I wanna show you around, oh thanks for accompanying me Albedo, you can go now." Aether grabs my hand and we walk at the mansion, after bidding goodbye at Albedo.

Albedo waved back and went back in the car, driving away once me and Aether got inside the mansion.


Did I forgot to mention it's a yandere Lumine bi harem and a religious fanfic? Well now you know.

Also Albedo is immortal, because he has Durin inside of him and is a chalk. His not a confirmed immortal, but in this fanfic he is. He knows about 'the curse' that Lumine has along with the other immortals.

Please correct me if there are any mistakes.

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