8 - Wanted

874 25 2

July 19th 1993


I pull up at the starting line of my third race in Fine Heart, being the only girl and the youngest all of these guys try to intimidate me by revving right in my ear,

"Get off the track little girl," some calls from the other end everyone laughs, I just roll my shoulders and get ready to kick off,

"Hey! Little girl, what are you doing here," another person calls

"Racing, obviously," I say rolling my eyes,

"Yeah but you're a girl," he says again,

"Yeah but your little shit still living with your mummy," I dead plane,

"Ooooo," goes round through the racers,

"And you don't?" He dares,

"Yeah I don't," I stare at him confused, "Why do you still live with your mummy your a grown arse man for fucks sake,"

"Racers get ready," the Announcer calls as a teen boy walks on the track with black and white flags,

"Get set!"

"Go!" He calls as the boy brings the flags down, I speed to the front of the pack and flatten myself to the bike to create less drag, leaning into the first corner, I pull through to third, slowly gaining on second place the first shortcut comes around and I see its a huge dirt jump right over a mud pit, grimacing as I know I get one shot or I've lost this race I turn to the jump,

"Holy crap look at this Artemis Remus 13 year old girl is going for the mud pit jump!" The announcer screams, I increase my speed as much as I can and angle the bike to the side closest to the track, reaching the top of the I pull up giving myself as much advantage as I can, I'm air born for a few moments before landing right at the edge of the mud pit just making it,

"I DON'T BELIEVE IT SHE'S MADE IT!" I smile and I quickly look back seeing how far ahead I am, focusing on the rest of the race.

Annndd the winner is Artemis Remus!" The announcer says, I take my helmet off and fix my hair before walking past the guys I just beat with a fake sweet smile as I walk up and take the $1000 cash envelope, I see Stella coming from behind the stand the announcer is standing on. Many eyes widen, and people scramble to get away from her, smiling I walk over and kneel down to pat her. Suddenly sirens can be heard from the main exit, all hell breaks loose as people run to their vehicles and drive away I run to my bike and throw my helmet on, and kick off and race down thin alleyways knowing I got away and park outside the general store and walking into the store with Stella by my side, going to the meat isle and pick up some meat for Stella and walk up to the counter and I see a Wanted poster, for a man named Peter Pettigrew but shrug it off and pay. As I'm about to walk out the man on the poster runs past as the police chase him. Something about the man feels familiar so I run after the police and Pettigrew following them through the back alleys.

"Put your hands up!" A policeman shouts at Pettigrew,

"Please I was framed," Pettigrew stutters

"Hands up!" The policeman shouts again, Peter shakily puts his hands up but the strange thing is I believe him, I believe he was framed. Quickly running forward I slam my hands out and the police stumble forward, I run forward grabbing Peter's wrist, and run, dragging him with me through the alleyways taking as many turns as possible before getting to my bike, throwing my leg over I call out to him,

"Get on!" He looks hesitant but climbs on behind me as I drive to my apartment, parking my bike in the underground garage, looking behind me checking to see if anyone is there

"Quickly follow me," after going up 2 floors we get to apartment C54 getting out my keys from my pants leg pockets I open the door and gesture him inside locking the door behind me.

"Why are you helping me?" Peter asks looking straight at me as if studying me, shrugging I say,

"Everyone's a murder if you push them hard enough,"


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