32 - Holidays

522 19 0

15th December 1994


Hey Silver,

I bought Harry a new broom for Christmas and a new broom.
I am still so glad you're both ok. 
You should get an owl on Christmas Eve with the broom.
I miss seeing you around, come visit after the break

From your favourite uncle

I set the letter down after reading and drop my hand down and subconsciously start scratching Stella's head, This is my last night at Hogwarts, I think looking out at the window at the Christmas trees. I fold the paper back up and go to place it back in the envelope and feel extra weight still in it, I slowly pull out the object and see my bike shrunk down and read the note,

Thought you might want this, a small smile appears on my face at the thought of being able to race again. I safely tuck my bike into the inside of my jacket and lay down in bed waiting for sleep and dreams plagged with memories.

"I don't wanna," I whine burying myself deeper into the covers,

"Come on we're going to miss the train!" Parvati yells ripping the covers away from me,

"We have already packed your trunk all you need to do is get ready!" Lavender huffs pulling the pillow from under my head,

"Fine, whatever," I sigh grabbing the pile of clothes on top of my trunk and going to the bathroom to get ready. When I walk out I'm in my leather pants that have a warming spell on them along with my royal blue jumper and leather jacket,

"Finally," Val says grabbing my hand and I quickly levitate my trunk with Stella lying on it watching everything around us. We finally get into our compartment we all flop in and just talk about random things and slowly I fall asleep against the window with Stella on my lap.

The train jolts to a stop waking me up I wandlessly shrink my truck once all the girls leave the compartment and catch up with them in a few steps,

"You'll have to come to mine for a bit," Val says elbowing me teasingly,

"Yeah, maybe I will..." The rest of my sentence is cut off by me being thrown over someone's shoulder, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WITH YOUR FAMILY!" I scream before bringing my legs into a tuck and causing whoever was carrying me to let me go and I land on my feet with a wobble.

"Umm," I turn to see Sirius and Dad looking at each other awkwardly before a yell causes them to hide behind me,

"JAMES FLEMONT POTTER! SIRIUS ORION BLACK!" Mum yells marching over toward us,

"It's Lupin-Black actually," both say at the same time earning a glare from Mum. I step to the side and back quickly shoving them closer to Lily, "HEY!" The yell looking at me with fake betrayal,

"Why did you kidnap our daughter for a few seconds," Mum interrogates with her arms crossed,

"Because it looked fun when Nathan and Harry did it?" Sirius says backing behind James,

"Ah! You two are still children," She huffs dragging them to where Remus, Harry, and Nathan are all standing with their trunks. I follow just behind them and wave goodbye with an apologetic smile to them all and a wink to Valentina, Let the plan begin, I think with a smirk.

"Where's your trunk Cub?" Remus questions,

"I shrunk it before I left school," I shrug lying knowing I did it wandlessly on the train,

"I saw you with it on the train," Harry says confused,

"Oh Harry your imagining things," I smile making him start trying to think, Sorry Harold not telling about wandless magic,

"So we don't know if you heard but we normally throw a Christmas Eve Ball like how your grandparents did every year and you get to... invite a ...date," James explains the last bit while visibly gagging as the thought hurts him.

"Ok, so I need to go shopping I'm guessing?" I ask looking at Mum,

"Yes, we can go together if you want,"

"No thanks, I want it to be a surprise," I say with a smile,

"Ok now you don't need to bring a date but you can," Remus explains with cliched teeth,

"Aww do you guys not want me to bring one?" I tease,

"No." All the guys state except Nathan,

"Don't worry I know who to bring,"

"WHO?!" They all yell looking at me,

"Too easy," I sigh before turning to Mum, "When did you guys want to come over?"

"Why don't you just stay with us?" She asks gently, but I shake my head,

"I don't want to be a burden I can look after myself," I state holding my hand out so I can pet Stella,

"You're not a burden," Harry says crossing his arms over his chest, I always have been, I think

"Harry is correct, normally Harry comes to work with me for a few days why don't you join us since you live nearby?" Mum asks and Harry gives me a pleading look,

"Maybe," I sigh before going to walk through the barrier,

"On Christmas Eve lunch the boys are bringing their dates. Would you like to do the same?" James grudgingly asks after Lily gives him a look,

"I'll come but I don't know if I will bring a date. Want to keep it a surprise so they don't all murder him," I say sending a teasing wink to the guys,

"She's not wrong," Remus whispers under his breath but I hear with my animagus hearing and scoff,

"I'll see you all soon I guess," I say before walking through the barrier and thinking about my plan.


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