42 - Interrogation

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Third person

"Mr Black, Mr Weasley, Mr Weasley," McGonagall says firmly pining the three boys in question with a harsh look, "My office now," all three get up and follow McGonagall out of the great hall while everyone is oblivious to the smirking Artemis Potter who is having far to much fun watching her successful prank and watch the three other Hogwarts pranksters get blamed for it. Because as far as anyone knew she had James's looks and Lily's brains. Surely they know that someone with James Bloody Potter as their father would be mischievous on top of having Lily's brains. She just knew how to not get caught.

"I swear Minnie it wasn't me!" Nathan yells after telling McGonagall he wasn't responsible for the prank,

"Weasley's!" McGonagall calls firmly in a raised voice her eyes now pinned on the red-haired twins,

"It wasn't us either, as if we would let ourselves get pranked," The twins say in illusion before alternating,

"How dare you underestimate our ability!" Fred yells in mocking offence,

"We would never prank ourselves!" George continues as he and Fred hold their hands over their hearts dramatically falling back into their chairs. McGonagall sighs pinching her nose, it's bad enough her former students came back this year but to have a mystery pranker too! 

"Don't lie to me," She lets out an aggravated sigh and moves her hand from pinching her eyebrows to resting on her desk, "Just tell me which one of you was it so I can't give you detention and get this over with," Nathan groans throwing his hands in the air leaning against his chair,

"It wasn't me!" Nathan huffs annoyed he is here not eating breakfast with the rest of the golden quadrant, and he is nowhere near the other Potter twin whom he had quite enjoyed annoying for most of the holidays,

"Mr Lupin-Black please refrain from raising your voice in my office," McGonagall tells him now using his normal last name not just Black like most people in the school know him to be,

"Yes Minnie," He grumbles folding his arms over his chest,

"It wasn't us either we don't know," George starts before Fred starts talking,

"What spell that could do the animal thing," Fred says as both he and George look McGonagall in the eyes while saying so. McGonagall pinches her eyebrows again seriously wondering why she didn't think to retire before the Potters, Black, and Prewett descendants came to Hogwarts. 

"Fine one of you go get young Mr Potter," McGonagall sighs making sure to say young so that none of them get James Potter. All three boys immediately jump up ready to escape the office when McGonagall's office door bursts open and in walks Harry dying of laughter. To the point, he is leaning all his weight on the door,

"The...teachers have...been pranked...again, " Harry says breathlessly between his cackling, the other boys's eyes widen wondering who would pull a double prank like this,

"How good mate?" Fred asks looking amused and excited, Harry is now wiping tears from his eyes. Nathan and Harry lock eyes for a second before Harry finally talks again, 

"Too...bloody...good... Dad and...Sirius...passed out...from...lack of....air...they were...laughing so hard..." Harry chokes out and everyone in the room's eyes widen including McGonagall's. The three boys who were being interrogated all lock eyes before smirking and running out of the office taking Harry with them. McGonagall shakes her head and hesitantly follows behind them at her normally slower walking pace. Meanwhile, the great hall has turned into a disaster, even the Slytherins are unable to not laugh. At the teacher's table in place of the professor is a different animal sitting on the table covered in sticky green goop, Dumbledore is now a toad sitting in the middle of the table, Sprout is a bunny, Flickwick is an owl, Remus is a golden retriever, Hagrid looks like Fang, and Trelawney is a flying squirrel. If that wasn't enough the green goop is dripping from the ceiling covering the teacher's tables and chairs. Snape is the only teacher that is still normal and even he is smirking slightly at the sight in front of him. When McGonagall walks in she sees Nathan and Harry on the floor laughing near where Artemis, Hermione, Ron and the other girls are sitting all howling with laughter like the rest of the Hall. I'm so done, McGonagall thinks with a defeated sigh before levitating James and Sirius's unconscious bodies to her before turning on her heel and leaving the hall in chaos as she walks to the Hospital Wing.


A/N a fun light-hearted chapter

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