28 - Wolf Who Cried Girl

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Ron hasn't been talking to Hermione since Scrabbers was 'killed' I sigh seeing Hermione upset after trying to talk to Ron only to be yelled at. With her head hung low she makes her way over,

"Mist can I have a hug," she asked in the quietest sweetest voice to the point I can't refuse. I open my arms and she immediately comes into my embrace as I whisper many reassurances in her trying to comfort her. After a while, she backs away,

"Go with Lav, Parvati, and Val they're heading to Transfiguration now," I say trying to be gentle with her, she nods and the rest of the girls look back at me silently asking if I'm coming, shaking my head they continue to walk out of The Great Hall. I march over to where Ron is sitting when Harry and Nathan see me fuming as I walk over they duck their heads, and Ron looks behind them to see what the others acting weird when he sees me he quickly turns back around and pretends he hasn't seen me, I huff before thinking, Wrong move Ron,

"Can I talk to you please Ron," I say in such a sweet voice all three quickly look making sure it's me, Ron pales and gulps before nodding and standing up, he turns to Harry and Nathan and they send him looks that say, RIP or I'll tell you story smiling at all three of their reactions. As soon as we are out of earshot of anyone in The Great Hall I turn quickly to face Ron and push his shoulder,

"What the fucking hell do you think you're playing with Hermione!" I yell looking Ron straight in the eyes but he doesn't hold it,

"Her blood cat killed my rat, Archer," he mumbles,

"So?" I ask unamused by the situation,

"What do you bloody mean so? Crookshanks killed him!" Ron yells,

"So, why are you mad at Hermione she didn't kill the rat and cats kill rats what did you expect," I state plainly,

"Yeah, but she bought the beast practically sealed his fate!"

"The rat is 6 years old! You are ruining what could be a lifelong friendship for a fucking rat," I say rolling my eyes, "Now go back to the boys and if by the end of tomorrow, I don't hear that you have apologised profusely you might be seeing a lot more of me," I threaten as he gulps nervously before practically running back to The Great Hall. I smile to myself at how scared Ron is of me as I make my way to Transfiguration in a good mood.

Finally landing on the ground after a long training session we all groan in pain,

"That was great flying everyone I am positive we will win against Slytherin!" Wood yells happily over the rain, "Now let's get changed," he finishes shooing us to the locker rooms and we all but sprint into the showers. I get out first and lean on the wall waiting as everyone filters out,

"Soooo Artemis," Fred starts,

"What did you do to scare," George continues

"Poor little Ronikins this morning?" Fred adds on, I roll my eyes at their antics,

"I told him if he didn't set his shit straight with Hermione he would be seeing a lot more of me," I shrug, as their mouths drop, 

"That's all you said," they say together in disbelief, 

"It's not my fault he made assumptions," I smile,

"You wanted him too," Fred states smiling at me,

"Of course, I did," I laugh, and the boys stand beside me as we wait for Harry.

"Took you long enough," I huff ten minutes later and push off the wall with Fred and George following as we start walking to the castle, the boys are mid conversation on who Hogwarts Prankster is when a loud panicked howl is heard from the castle and we all freeze, but I freeze for a different reason. That howl I recognise it, Stella, my breath catches in my throat as I run towards the castle following the howl. 

"WHY ARE WE RUNNING!" Fred, George, and Harry yell but I don't answer and follow the crowds of students, soon I slow into a walk and start shoving through students my panic heightening every second, What if they hurt her? What if they kill her? My thoughts continue to get worse as we slowly make our way past students. I see Dad, Sirius, Remus, Minnie, and Snape all pointing wands at Stella who is slowly backing away and baring her teeth and growling at them all, 

"On three we all shoot stunning spells at the wolf. That sound be enough to kill it," Snape drawls and my breath hitches as they all nod and I make my way through the last few rows of students,

"One!" James calls wand pointed up,

"Two!" Minnie yells with a steady voice, I managed to shove through Malfoy and his gang who were at the front, and gather Stella in my arms,

"Three!" Snape drawls, 

"STUPIFY!" I don't feel anything as I look up from Stella's fur and see everyone staring at me in shock, I let a sigh as Stella buries her head deeper into my embrace. I carefully stand up and whistle quietly and Stella presses right onto my leg,

"What... how?" James questions I glare at them, 

"Why were you all trying to kill her!" I yell moving my gaze on each and everyone of them and they all move their gazes just above or beside me making it look like they are still looking at me,

"It attacked Mr Malfoy," Snape says and my eyes narrow in on him,

"Your point?" I question blandly, turning to look at Malfoy's reaction his and all his friends' mouths are slightly agape, 

"It could have killed him!" Minnie yells looking quite concerned at my reaction along with everyone else, I roll my eyes,

"One she's is a she, not it. Second I trained her better than that. Three I bet Malfoy only has a bite mark,"

"He is bleeding!" Minnie hisses,

"Boo who, just do this," I say strutting over to Malfoy and pulling out his arm that has blood on it and whispering the healing charm and not even a scar is left, "Problem solved, ALSO YOU WERE GOING TO KILL MY WOLF OVER MALFOY!" I yell offended,

"Artemis let's talk about this calmly," James starts walking towards me,

"Ah ah, if you had just said sit, go, lay down, no, she would have listened," I grit glaring at him,

"Come on I'm sure we can talk about this," Sirius starts,

"Shut the fuck up, you all tried to kill my pet,"

"Let's go to my office to talk about this," Minnie says calmly,

"No, come on Stella," I say just as calmly and make my way to the Gryffindor common room, students part and scurry away from Stella and me in fear and I just roll my eyes and continue walking leaving everyone completely shaken. 

A/N Today was not her day


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