18 - Buckbeak

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Artemis didn't show up for the rest of lunch. 

"Where is she?" I ask Ron getting really worried,

"FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME I DON'T BLOODY KNOW!" Ron screams at me, and I look down ashamed,

"Ron. Harry is just worried about his twin, and to be honest, I'm getting worried too," Hermione scolds Ron, we all make our way to the edge of the forbidden forest near Hagrid's hut, looking around I see everyone else is already here, except Artemis, dragging Ron and Nathan by their wrists we walk over to where the Gryffindors are standing, as we turn around I send a quick shy smile to Jenna, and feel a flutter in my stomach and she starts talking to her friend Ella, and I turn to look at Hagrid, waiting for him to start the lesson. 

"'C'mon, now, get a move on!" he calls as we approach "Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!" moving towards the forest dread fills my body and by the look on Ron and Nathan's faces they still aren't ready to go back into the forest after the spider incident. When Hagrid leads around to the edge of the forest where there are a few paddocks the relief is obvious on all of our faces. 

"Everyone gather round the fence here!' Hagrid booms 'That's it – make sure yeh can see. Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books..."

"And how do we do that," Draco says coldly, showing his book which is bound by a leather rope and the rest of the class gets their books out which are all bound shut as well,

"yeh've got ter stroke 'em," He explains taking Hermione's book from her and stroking the spine the book it falls open,

"Really funny giving us books that can bite our hands off," he says sarcastically,

"Shut up Malfoy!" Ron, Nathan, and I all yell, and before Draco can say anything,

"Oooohhhh" Lavender calls pointing to the paddock as a dozen hippogriffs land on the ground,

"Hippogriffs!' Hagrid roared happily, waving a hand at them. "Beau'iful, aren' they? If yeh wan' ter come a bit nearer ..." Everyone else quickly moved back but my friends and I all stayed still

"Now, firs' thing yeh gotta know abou' Hippogriffs is they're proud,' said Hagrid. 'Easily offended, Hippogriffs are. Don't never insult one, 'cause it might be the last thing yeh do." Now even myself, Ron, Hermione, and Nathan back away. A loud crashing and snapping comes from the forest as Artemis comes out of the forest smiling and fixing her hair,

"Sorry I'm late Hagrid," she says before turning to the Hippogriffs whose paddock she landed in, her eyes widen as the closest one to her walks to her,

"Buckbeak!" she squeals, before meeting her in the middle and stroking her feathers.

"WHAT?!" Almost everyone yells as she gives Buckbeak one last stroke before climbing over the fence and walking over to Lavender, Valentina, and Parvati.

"I met her in the forest a few minutes ago," she shrugs before, Hadgid continues talking.

"Now who else wants a go?" Hagrid asks as people step forward after being given confidence in Artemis' success, and Draco struts arrogantly forward and starts insulting Buckbuck. I look to Artemis and her face is paling and worry fills her eyes and then I feel a cold rush through my body so overpowering I stumble and just as I see Malfoy cut by Buckbeak my head hits the ground.

A/N Cliffhanger 🤷‍♀️ Also I know it's a short chapter I just couldn't get the words out.


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