14 - No

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Everything is silent until I hear the hat's voice in my head,

The lost potter returns how interesting, now where to put you. Kind enough to animals to possibly be Hufflepuff but it would do nothing for you being in that house. Definitely smart and observing enough to be Ravenclaw but not the right fit. A very cunning mind but you would always choose those few people you let in over yourself. Very loyal and a huge amount of bravery,

"Better be... Gryffindor," the hat yells, still no one moves a muscle, huffing I take the hat off my head place it on the stool, and walk to the Gryffindor table hearing my boots click on the floor. Sitting down next to Valentina and Hermione, everyone is still staring at me,

"You know what," Standing back up and slamming my hands on the table, "It's fucking rude to stare," I yell at everyone, and like a spell has been lifted off everyone, people start whispering and 3 younger men go to stand up from the teacher's table before this old ass man stands up and holds his hands out to them gesturing for them to sit down, the two next to each other sit down, but the man who looks like the guy from my memory levitates his chair to the others still looking absolutely shook.

"Long no see Mione," I smile at Hermione before she strangles me in a hug, 

"Artemis! What are you doing here," she scolds, "You're a muggle,"

"I mean I'm not and did you not just hear my last name is Potter, not Remus," I smirk before she slaps me over the back of my head,

"Ow, Mione," I whine, before turning back to, the other girls who are still staring at me in shock.

"Did I break you guys or something?" I question, looking at them in fake confusion and waving my hand in front of their faces,

"What The Hell!" They all scream at me, and then Lavender continues, "You are THE Artemis Potter,"

"Ya, say hello to the supposedly dead Artemis," I tease, 

"But, how?" Valentina questions,

"Well all I remember from that night is something feeling off, then hearing what I know now is the killing curse, so I rolled on top of Harry taking the curse but somehow I wasn't dead but I felt a weird pain in my wrist, then being pulled into cold hands. That's all I remember," I state shrugging it off, "But it doesn't matter it happened 12 years ago,"

"You and Harry are the only people living who survived," Parvati says still shocked at who I am,

"Oh well that's new info, but add that to the reason I am amazing and why my friends aren't going to be mad at me for not telling them?" I question the last, before I am crushed in a hug, flinching a bit before I awkwardly pat their backs before they pull back, and Valentina looks at me concerned,

"Are you ok?" she questions

"Nah I'm about to die," I say sarcastically,

"I just meant you've gone really pale," she responds with a crease between her eyebrows,

"I'm sure I'm fine just hungry," I lie knowing that the reason I'm pale is because the only people I remember to have hugged me are Dain, Hermione, and Peet. Valentina is about to say something when the hall goes silent as the old man gets up and raises his hands for silence.

"Welcome!" The man says pausing like he forgot what he was going to say before continuing, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and one of them is very serious," the three men at the teachers all start to snicker at that, "I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..." OAM (Old ass man), stops for a second clearing his throat, "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the Dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business." The three men all look at each other with grim expressions on their faces, before OAM continues, "They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds, and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not fooled by tricks or disguises or even Invisibility cloaks." In the corner of my eye I see Harry, Ron, and Nathan all glance at each other, "It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and everyone of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure no student runs foul of the Dementors," He stops and looks at each of the Prefects and Head Boy and Girl as they all swell with pride, Manipulation, making them feel important, my mind whispers as I try to figure out OAM out. "On a happier note," he continued, "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year, and two Aurors to help protect the school from the inside," The man who looks weirdly like the man in my memory, and the guy with black hair and silver eyes both stand up and bow with matching smirks, before sitting down and letting OAM continue, "Firstly, Professor Lupin, who was kindly consented to the post of Defence Against the Dark arts teacher." The 2 men from before clapped loudly as did all the red haired teens, Harry, Hermione, and Nathan, but this man with long greasy black hair face twisted into an expression of hate, before OAM continued.

"As to our second new appointment..." Starting to tune out I look at the three men at the table and try to figure out why they all look familiar, but looking at the engagement rings on the new professor's hand, and one of the Auror's hands my brain snaps into place on who they are. Sirius and Remus... my uncles, that must mean... My eyes wander to the over man when I look closely at his facial features I realise we look a lot alike, fuck that's my father. 

"Let the feast begin!" OAM's loud yell brings me back as golden plates appear and everyone starts serving food.

After a long meal and avoiding talking to Harry, the plates are cleared and everyone stands including Sirius, Remus, and James they make a beeline for me as I turn away continuing to walk away to Gryffindor Tower with the rest of the Gryffindors, 

"Artemis wait!" My father calls, before Sirus grabs my wrist, flinching away I instinctively, turn around and swipe my leg around Sirius' legs making him fall down, my father doesn't even take notice of this and starts talking,

"Please, Artemis can we talk, I haven't seen you in 12 years," Tears fill his eyes but I can't bring myself to say yes, because this is the man I spent most of my life hating for leaving me, I know he didn't leave me now but it doesn't change my mind,

"No." I walk off with Pavarti, Lavender, and Valentina not looking back at what should have been my family.

A/N What do we think so far?


The Lost Potter Twisted - Artemis PotterWhere stories live. Discover now