38 - The Potter Ball

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I slow down in front of Mum and Dad's house and park the bike around the side of the house. I place a permanent sticking charm on it before sliding off. I fix my royal blue dress so the slit sits right on my leg, I decide to leave my leather jacket on and walk back around to the front of the house. I knock on the door gently taking a deep breath, I wait for a few moments before the door opens and Harry is standing there smiling brightly.

"Looking dashing Harold," I tease and fix his collar,

"You look amazing Artemis," Harry says smiling at me before bringing me into a hug, I'm stiff at first before I sync into his embrace, 

"How much longer do you have to be greeting guests?" I ask Harry pulling back and fixing my dress after riding my bike here, I run my hand through my hair thinking of making my hair smooth after riding. I feel a soft tingle in my fingers telling me my magic is working.

"Jenna still has to get here and your date," Harry grumbles the last bit making me laugh a bit,

"Aww, so you can have a date and I can't?" I tease poking his side and making him swat my hand away,

"Yeah that sounds great" He smiles a teasing glint in his eyes,

"Oh, really it does?" I say raising an eyebrow at him, he nods cautiously, "Ok, then" I shrug and quickly reach forward and snatch his glasses.

"Artemis!" Harry yells reaching forward, stumbling he crashes into me knocking us both to ground,

"Harry get your heavy quidditch body off me!" I shriek holding the glasses above my head keeping them out of his reach. Behind us, I hear footsteps and heels clicking on the floorboards before I hear laughing.

"Give them back Artemis!" Harry yells and reaches for my arm trying to grab them,

"Nah not until you say I'm allowed a date!" I say barking a laugh as Harry huffs and continues to try to grab his glasses by himself. When he reaches up I somehow get a knee to my stomach, "FUCK HARRY! YOUR KNEE IS A BITCH!" I yell rolling over and I end up on top of Harry. I stand up once I'm above him and wave the glasses in front of his face teasingly, 

"My knee isn't a bitch your the one who took my glasses!" Harry protests and I press my blue heel to Harry's chest so he can't move with a smug look on my face. 

"Go on Harry say it," I tease swinging his glasses in front of his face, Harry grumbles something before grudgingly admitting,

"You're allowed a date..." He says barely loud enough for me to hear even with Animagus hearing,

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you," I tease a large smirk on my face as I look down at Harry's defeated face but a small smile is fighting to break free,

"You are allowed a date" Harry sighs and I hand him his glasses, remove my heel from his chest, and hold my hand out for him to take. He grabs my hand with a small smile on his face and I pull him up so he's standing beside me. I let go of his hand and turn around to start walking into the house when I see Dad and Sirius leaning on the doorway wheezing and laughing so hard they are pretty much silent and struggling to breathe. I roll my eyes and smile softly in their direction before I walk in between them and look around the room soaking in the sight. The lounge area looks ten times bigger than the last time I was here, the ceiling was decorated with floating snowflakes, and there are giant well-decorated pine trees in each corner. Then there are drink and food tables around the edge.

"YOU INVITED HIM?!" I hear Dad, Sirius, and Harry yell from the porch, I turn around quickly to see my date scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile as he looks between Dad, Sirius, and Harry.

"Yes, I invited him," I answer rolling my eyes and stepping forward between Dad and Sirius revealing myself,

"I-wow Artemis you look amazing," My date compliments earning himself three sets of eyes glaring daggers at him. Once they start glaring at him my face hardens and I glare at them until they lower their eyes to the ground. I have a smug smile on my face as I step forward to my date,

"You look quite handsome yourself," I tease and fix his tie a bit before he grabs one of my hands and leads me inside to the dance floor,

"May I have this dance Artemis?" He asks with a soft smile on his face as he bows and kisses the hand he was holding,

"Of course Cedric," I answer curtseying in return.


A/N Don't be silent readers please don't forget to like and comment, what do you think of her date?

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