20 - Potions

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"Artemis you have two owls," Valentina states looking at me concerned,

"Right sorry guess I just went somewhere," I say while reaching for the first letter, and remembering the familiar  mess scrawl I shove it in my pocket, and untie the letter from the second owl before opening the letter,

Fine, you want a chance to show me if you're worth my time. If you want to prove you are more like Lily then James come to my classroom an hour early. At the moment or looking more at the latter.

Professor Snape,
P.S. Say you have detention with me if anyone asks.

Rolling my eyes at the last line I put this letter in another letter and continue eating. When I look up I see all three girls looking at me,

"What?" I say after finishing my piece of bacon,

"Who are they from?" Parvati asks but the other girls look just as curious,

"One is from my father and the other is from Professor Snape saying I have detention for an hour before class," I shrug

"How did you get detention from Snape?" Lavender asks, 

"Idk he hates Gryffindors remember," I say as I roll my eyes,

"Come on Miss Potter, detention awaits you," Professor Snape says as all of us girls jump,

"Yeah, ok I'm just gonna finish my breakfast," I tell him,

"No, now," He snaps and I grab a piece of toast and run after him since he is already halfway down the table, running out of the Great Hall to catch up with him, we go past James and Sirius,

"Seriously, she talks to him and runs after him," Sirius says in an annoyed tone,

"Wow I can't get my daughter to talk to me, but she can run after the enemy," James responds but all my brain thinks about is the enemy. Following Professor Snape all the way to the potions classroom, he walks straight to his desk which has a potions book open on a method and all the ingredients out,

"You are going to be making this potion for the example of today's lesson," he states while pointing to his desk, I shrug and read the instructions carefully but they don't feel right,

"Can I make notes on the book?" I question looking behind me at Snape,

"Whatever but you're keeping the book after," he responds in his normal dark tone but looking at his eyes he's curious, smirking as I look down at the book and write above the original instructions my own. After spending nearly an hour I finished the potion Snape asked me to make.

"I'm done," I state moving away from the desk and letting Snape walk to my potion to look at it, his eyes, nearly fall out of his head, and his mouth drops open, I quickly take out my small camera and take a picture to remember it forever before shoving it back in my pocket just as Snape moves his head to look at me,

"It's perfect," he mumbles as his eyes drop to my notes, "This is exactly how your mother did it,"

"Awwww, you are just a big teddybear, ain't you," I tease,

"Yes, that is how students describe me," Snape drawls,

"So why do you and my father hate eachother," I ask while cleaning the desk and walking to the storage cupboard to put the ingredients away,

"That is not something I wish to discuss,"

"Ok, I'll guess, he got a better grade than you in transfiguration," I guess,


"Ok, hmmm, he beat your house constantly in quidditch,"

"Yes, but not it,"

"He had a huge ego,"

"Yes, closer,"

"Fucking hell can you just tell me," I say,

"He used me as the but of all his jokes and pranks," Snape replies,

"What a dick," I huff,

"Agreed, Miss Potter," he says as his lips twitch up a bit,

"Artemis," I state daring him to keep calling me 'Miss Potter',

"As you wish," he drawls, as I jump up on his desk and sit down on that instead of one of the many chairs,

"There is a whole classroom of chairs and you sit on my desk?" he questions,

"Of course, tables are better than chairs," I say with full confidence,

"You are like both your parents. It's concerning,"

"Thanks, I guess," hearing the door creak open I see the whole class standing there in shock, Oops.


"She's been ignoring and avoiding me all week," I whine while thinking about the fact she still grabbed the book, "and after we got along so well in the hospital wing," while walking to double potions

"Mate, the way you are talking you'd think you'd kissed the girl and she ghosted you," Ron says irritated,

"He's right, you are better off without her. It's her fault you were put in the Hospital Wing," Nathan says like he has been all week,

"No, it's not!" Hermione and I yell at the same time,

"Yeah, whatever," Nathan mumbles unconvinced, 

"We are running late," Hermione says picking up her pace, but when we reach the door all the Slytherins and Gryffindors are waiting outside the door,

"Why are we standing out here?" Nathan asks Valentina,

"All I know is I feel bad for Artemis," she responds, with a worried expression, pushing forward to the front, 

"Why do you feel bad for Artemis?" I question panicked,

"She had detention with Snape, before class and Snape is never late for classes," Lavender responds, I push to the door past the Slytherins and fiddle with the door till it opens, and as everyone goes to walk in, we all freeze at the sight in front of us. Artemis is sitting on SNAPE'S desk and talking to him and turns around hearing the door open, scans over us jumps off the desk, and walks over to her friends.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" Artemis questions and drags them over to one of the back desks. Snape clears his throat warning us to sit down, we all shuffle to our seats and sit down.

"What potion is in the caldron?" he drawls, asking the class, Hermione's hand shoots up alongside Draco's, "Draco?"

"The draught of living death," he answers with full confidence, and Artemis snickers in the corner,

"Wrong" Snape drawls, "Miss Potter maybe you have an answer for us,"

"I do but I have an unfair advantage as I made said potion," she says resting her head in her hands, "Now if you excuse me I have already made the potion for this lesson so I am going to sleep, but you should ask Hermione she knows," Artemis finishes before zoning out the world,

"Miss Granger?" Snape asks as the whole class gaps in shock that he didn't take points off,

"It's The Forgetfulness Potion, Sir" Hermione answers,

"Correct, and Miss Potter," Snape continues, and at the mention of her name lifts her head lazily,


"80 points to Gryffindor for the best forgetfulness potion I have seen," he says with a look of despise at his words, I turn to stare at Artemis with wide-eyed shock, but she still doesn't look at me. 

"Ok," is all Artemis says before putting her head back in her hands.


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