Chapter 2 - Peter - Anchored

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Cruising into the dock, all hands are on deck as the ropes get secured. I hear everyone doing checks over the two-way. The bustling atmosphere of the ship is welcoming to the Navy crew, with some of us ready for a week of shore leave. The boys have been up to mischief all day, so I was on high alert. "Jonsie, come look at this," yells Fitz, sprawled out on the couch. I walk over to see what nonsense he wants to show me, forcing his phone in front of my face. "Look, speed dating on Friday night. We should go." I crinkle my brows and roll my eyes, pushing his phone out of my face. I don't think we need another city tainted by their childish antics. "Nah, I don't think it's something I'll be interested in, but you have fun," I say while I turn around and walk back to my rack to get at least a few winks in before I have watch. "What's the plan, boys?" Mac makes his presence known, making the door bang against the hull, wrapping his arm around my neck. "You in for some speed dating Friday night?" Fitz tries to hype it up. I don't think any brain cells comprehended what was said. "I don't see why not. Ladies and drinks, what more could a man need?" he says in his deep southern accent. Before I knew it, the whole cabin erupted in laughter and roughhousing as the word spread around the room about women being involved in something. It had been the first time since we had been on land in almost four weeks. I try to settle them so I can get some sleep before I have to get up for duty in five hours as I crawl back into my rack.

I was rudely awakened from a peaceful dream by being shaken by the duty watch. My eyes peeled open to the torchlight being shone into my eyes; everyone has a weird and quirky way of waking people up. "Tag, you're it." Feeling a slap on my face and a giggle as whoever it was ran out of the room. I roll out of bed with my brain still powered down, turn the shower to ice cold to wake myself up. This routine is so mundane that I think I have my eyes closed until I'm dressed and in the cafeteria with a piece of toast in my mouth. The coffee barely woke me up. I grab a bottle of water and head straight into the handover. I sat in my usual spot and waited for the previous watch to brief us. This time of the morning, there are only nods and groans. The briefing was the same as yesterday's. Sydney is one of the few places where we don't have a curfew, yet. But I have a feeling with the rowdiness of this docking, that will change.

I headed to my console to get some emails and catch up on a few tasks. Midnight breezed through fairly fast as I had Harry on shift with me. "You know Fitz has already signed you up for this speed dating thing," he said without his eyes leaving his console. "I thought he would have. I think it's best for me to go, you know, to chaperone. I don't want another curfew put in place for another port. Am I going to be babysitting you as well, Joel?" I laughed. "Nah, I'll be good, but a chance to get a piece of Aussie ass is what's keeping me on track. This time last year I had a week with a girl, the best week of my life. Just fucking and good food. If I can get anything close to that this trip, I'll be a happy man." "Are you going to try and find her?" "Nah, she's engaged now," he said, brushing it off like it was nothing.

We hardly catch up with each other as we are usually on opposite duties, but we had to swap so our mess could go out Friday night. It was nice to hear what he's been up to when he's at home.

Friday came so slowly but also in a flash; the anticipation had been building. Some of the boys had spent hours planning their outfits and practising their pick-up lines, while others tried to play it cool, pretending they weren't as excited as they actually were. The mess hall buzzed with energy as we ate our meals, each of us sharing our hopes for the evening ahead. Fitz, as always, was the ringleader, getting everyone hyped up and making sure no one chickened out. Even the more reserved guys couldn't help but get swept up in the excitement. It felt like we were teenagers again, getting ready for prom, rather than seasoned sailors about to try our luck at speed dating. 

This was probably the first time in months our room didn't stink of B.O. for a change, but you could choke on the amount of aftershave and cologne filling the air. It was weird seeing the boys dressed in their Sunday best; some I have never seen in clothes that don't resemble gym bro or military attire. I finish buttoning up my shirt and tuck it into my pants. "Ooo, Jonesie, be careful. If you don't find a girl tonight, you might just find me in your bunk," Mark said, slapping my ass. "Keep your hands to yourself, or you will be in charge of buying me drinks all night," I laughed.

We left our mess in a group, pushing our way through the hallways as we started our ascent to the deck. The hallways normally echoed with mechanical engine noises, but the guys' rowdiness drowned it out.

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