chapter 17

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Heyyyyyy,sorry for the delay but here is the chapter. Enjoy reading

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"Welcome bhuasa" they heard Maanveer's deep voice. Everyone turned and saw him standing,holding box of sweet. Nandni narrowed her eyes in confusion. Maanveer came forward and stood infront of her

"Congratulations " maanveer said with straight face and holding his anger

"Why" Nandni asked faking confusion

"That I'll tell you later,first eat this" maanveer said and started unwrapping the box. Everyone had confusion on their face expect aarav

"No..I won't " Nandni refused taking step back

"Don't worry,I didn't mixed anything in this,I'm not heatless like you" he said and took step forward and keeping his hand near her lips

"No I don't like sweet" she said with little horror

"Bhusa eat" maanveer ordered, anger is visible on his face now

Nandni is now scared. She opened her mouth and maanveer placed piece of sweet in her mouth

"Maanveer,what's going on" dadasa asked

"I'm celebrating her new life dadasa" manaveer said without moving his gaze from her

"Means" dadisa asked

"Aarav" manaveer eyed on him and he understood, nodding he left and came back with police

Nandni got scared, she hid behind dadisa

"No one can save you bhuasa now" maanveer said with stern face

"Maan,why police is here" dadida asked

"Nandni bhuasa ko unke sasural le Jane aaye hai ye" maanveer taunted
(They've come to take Nandni bhusa to her in-laws)

"What are you saying" nityam asked

"They are taking bhuasa to jail" aarav informed, everyone got shocked

"Maan,are you out of your mind" Vikram asked

"Bhuasa,will you accept your sin or should I show them proof" maanveer asked

"What sin" Nandni asked

"Don't you dare to lie,I'm trying hard to control on my anger" he said dangerously

"What sin maan,why are you scaring her" dadisa said little louder

"She is fucking murdere,she killed my and aashi's baby. She killed our happiness. She killed our dreams. She killed our life " maanveer roared, the environment got hell serious after this. Mishka hold Aarav's hand,afterall she is witnessing manaveer's anger side for the first time. Aarav rub her hand

"What are you saying maan,I know she hates Aashi but she can't do such things" dadisa said

"Good,I knew it. And I have proof for that" manaveer said and removed his phone from his pocket

Nandni hold her mother's hand

Maanveer started the video where raaka was accepting his sin and telling about Nandni,maanveer had set wireless camera in his shirt's button. Everyone got shocked after seeing this. Dadisa turned and saw Nandni's scared face. She slapped her hard that the sound of slap echoed in the haveli

"I wish I had no daughter " dadisa said and tear slipped from her eye

"Maasa,how can you" she was cut of by her mother

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