chapter 16

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Aashi was sitting on bed holding new born baby. Maanveer was caressing baby's forehead. Aashi and maanveer smiled looking at eachother. Maanveer kissed on Aashi's forehead too. Suddenly Maanveer's smile faded. He took baby from Aashi's hand and she looked at him in confusion. Maanveer stood up,Aashi tried to hold his hand but he took step back. Aashi was getting panic

"Veer,Veer please give baby to me" she said and forwarded her hands

"No jaana,baby have to go" maanveer said and again stepped back

"Veer where are you taking our baby,please give him to me" she pleased

Maanveer didn't bothered, Aashi saw his retiring figure and yelled his name

"Veerrr" she yelled and woke up. Eyeing everywhere around her,she didn't found anyone. It was her nightmare. Aarav and mishka came running after hearing her scream

"Mishka...aarav.banna...where is Veer,where is my baby" she asked crying

"Bhabhisa" mishka said and hugged her. Aashi looked at aarav in confusion

"Why...why are you crying mishka" she asked

Aarav didn't said anything and left having no strength. He called maanveer

Maanveer was sobbing covering his face under steering. His phone buzzed. He wiped his tears and attend Aarav's call

"Bhaisa,bhabhisa is asking for you" aarav informed controlling his tears

"Did...did you told her" for the first time maanveer was shuttering

"No bhaisa we can't tell her. You have to do this" aarav said

"Hmm" he hummed and cut the call. Wiping his tears he came out from car. Throwing water on his face he removed dry tears from his face. He then took a deep breath and made his way towards Aashi's room

When he reached corridor, he saw mishka crying in Aarav's arms. Sharda consoling shashidhara. Nityam and shashank sitting beside vikarm. Aarav left mishka when he saw maanveer

"Mishka,you go back. Kiaan must be missing you" maanveer ordered

"But bhabhisa..." mishka was cut of by maanveer

"I will handle her,you go and see kiaan" he ordered and mishka nodded "aarav you too go and take everyone with you,we'll come soon after discharge " maanveer ordered

"No beta,we are not going anywhere. Aashi will need us" shashidhara said

Maanveer move forward and bend on knees infront of his dadisa,holding her hand

"I'm here to handle her. You all should take some rest. Go and make yourself ready to handle Aashi at home" maanveer said with soft tone,which is rare

"But maan" she was cut of by maanveer again

"Dadisa,she will need you the most" maanveer said and she nodded

Everyone left. Maanveer entered in her room. She was laying on bed with bandages on her forehead. Maanveer's heart ripped after seeing her injuries. He move forward and sat beside her. Kissing on her forehead he leaned back,Aashi opened her eyes

"Veer" She said and tears welled up in her eyes

"Shhhh" maanveer said and put his hand on her forehead "Don't say anything " he said caressing her hairs

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