chapter 31

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Aashi's words were continually roaming in Maanveer's ears. With each words,his speed was increasing. Tears welled up in his eyes. Jaw clenched, sleeves were rolled up. Eyes were red. His phone rang and he moved his eyes from road to his side seat,where his phone was laying. Suddenly he heard a loude horn. He tilted his head and saw a truck coming on his way. His speed was out of control. He had to hit his car with tree,otherwise situation will be worse. And he did the exact thing,he turned his steering to left and in result his car hit with tree. Maanveer's eyes were closing slowly, he could only hear aashi's voice,he could only see aashi's image. His whole body was in pool of blood. And in no time,he closed his eyes

"Shivanya I'm telling you last time. Seat in car" adhrit was following Shivanya on road

"Do whatever you want to do,I'm not gonna listen you this time" Shivanya said still walking

"What the...." adhrit's words were left unspoken,he saw Maanveer's car from far

"Its Maanveer's car" adhrit said in confusion

"How can you be sure" Shivanya asked stopping

"Every royal car has same logo,see" adhrit said pointing her car

"It looks like accident happened, let's see" Shivanya said

Adhrit and Shivanya ran to car. Adhrit pulled car door by his strength, and saw maanveer laying unconscious

"Maan" adhrit tapped his cheek

"See khadaksingh,his whole body is in blood. We should take him to the hospital" Shivanya said

Adhrit took maanveer in his car,shivanya sat at back seat holding maanveer head in her lap. Adhrit started his car and went to hospital. Reaching to hospital, doctors immediately took him in ICU

"How will we inform his family, i don't have anyone's number" adhrit said to himself

Shivanya tapped his shoulder,he turned

"His phone,it was in his car. I thought we might need it" Shivanya said giving him phone,adhrit's eyes were soften for the first time for her

Adhrit called aashi from Maanveer's phone

Aashi was sitting on floor holding her knees. Waiting for maanveer to come. Her phone rang and she saw his name on screen,a smile made it's way on her lips "i knew it,you can't live without talking to me" she said herself

"Vee..." she was cutt of by adhrit's word

"Hello" adhrit said

"He...hello..who are you,and where is hukum" she asked panicking

"Umm...actually..bhabhisa I'm adhrit,Maanveer's friend. He...he met with an accident...and admitted in city hospital " adhrit informed

Aashi's face turned into horror

"'s he" she somehow managed to ask

"Doctor said his condition is critical..he got injuries all over his body" adhrit Informed with heavy heart

Phone fall down from aashi's hands,tears were roiling down. She tried to stood up with help of bed. Her legs were trembling,her body was shivering.  Her throat was getting dry. She wiped her tears and grabbed her car keys. Without wasting any seconds, she left. Aarav roaming in garden holding kiaan in his hands,he saw aashi hurriedly coming out. She sat in car and drove his car out. Aarav immediately left inside

"Mishka, bhabhisa left somewhere in hurry,I'm going" saying this he handed kiaan to mishka,grabbing his car keys,he too left

Aarav's car was following aashi's car,he was continually trying her number but her phone left in haveli. Aashi increased her car speed. Aarav was panic now. Aashi parked her car infront of hospital, aarav was confused and scared now. He followed her. Reaching to reception,she asked Maanveer. She ran towards ICU and saw adhrit and Shivanya in lobby. She tried to enter inside but Shivanya hold her by her shoulder

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