bonus chapter 3

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"Veel,not this. Thish one" little aashvee said pointing at black dress

"But baby this would be uncomfortable for you" veer said with concerns

"No baba,it won't,and our aashvee will look princess in this dress" shiv said

"Let me ask to your maasa" veer said

"Hunhh you want maasa for everything" shiv said scrunching his nose

"As if you don't" veer said and rolled his eyes

Maanveer dialed aashi's number and waited for her to attend. Aashi went to delhi for her boutique work. And today,aashvee had to go to her friend's birthday party

"Hello" maanveer said

"Yes veer" she replied in soft tone

"Actually I'm sending a picture of a dress, can you please tell me how will it look on aashvee" he asked

"Okay,let me see" she said and checked the picture

"Veer,it's perfect for her,but let her try first" aashi said

"Okay okay" veer said "and when will you come,this kids of ours are troubling me so much" he said

"Haha,I'll be there by tomorrow morning, take care of our kids and yourself too" she said

"Okay bye" he said "love you" he whispered as aashvee and shiv were with him

"Love you too" she said and cut the call

After some hours,aashvee was getting ready with help of maanveer and shiv. Maanveer was making her hairs and shiv was painting her nails

"Bhaiyu,this color looks so good na" she said

"Yes baby" shiv said

"Aashvee don't move" veer said

"Baba keep my hairs open,raghav said open hairs suits on me" she said

"Who's raghav" both, shiv and veer asked at the same time

"My best friend" aashvee said

"You never talked about him" veer said

"And you never introduced him'" shiv said

"Ohooo,he is new comer na" aashvee said

"Is he coming in the party" veer asked

"Yes" she replied

"Okay" saying this maanveer tied her hairs and shiv intentionally ruined her nail paint

"Ohooo,you both are useless, let me take help from mishka chachi" she said and ran outside

"Ohooo,you both are useless, let me take help from mishka chachi" she said and ran outside

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It was night and maanveer was sleeping with aashvee and shiv. Aashvee was between shiv and maanveer. Maanveer woke up as he was thirsty,he went to kitchen as jug was empty in their room. Maanveer put glass on kitchen counter and he heard some ghunghroo sound as if someone passed by there. He turned and checked everywhere. He shrugged his shoulder and turned hi heels to leave but he agai heard the same voice. Maanveer stopped but didn't turned. The sound stopped and he attempted staircases and again he heard the same noise. Maanveer came down and cheked the whole hall

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