chapter 40

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"Hukum,what are you doing here" aashi asked narrowing her eyes "with this dupatta, haww this is my favorites dupattaa" she said in horror,because she herself threw it on floor

" i wanted yes i wanted you phone. I want mr oberoi's number" maanveer sais scratching his neck

"But i already gave you my phone" aashi said in confusion

"Is that so? I guess i forgot" maanveer said with akward smile

"Ohh" aashi made okay face

"But maan,why you were covering you face" dadisa asked

"Wo..actually aarav told me that i can can not see the function, so.." he said anything

"Where is aaravbanna" aashi asked searching for him

"Here" maanveer said pointing back and turned,not finding aarav there,he gritted his theeth

"Bhaisa,sorry to say but now accept it,that you wanted to see the function" mishka said and everyone laughed, expect aashi and maanveer. He looked at her and she was already glaring him

"No mishka,it's nothing like that" maanveer said

Dadisa came forward and cupped his cheeks

"It's okay to show your love openly" she said smiling

His phone rang and he saw Aarav's name on screen. His blood boiled after reading his name.He instantly attended

"Bhaisa,tell them that it's urgent call and leave" aarav said trying to save him

"Umm it's urgent call,excuse me" he said and left leaving everyone laughing expect aashi,she was pouting

"Aarav ke bacche,how could you do this. It was all your mistake and you left me alone there" maanveer said throwing pillow on him

"Bhaisa it wasn't my fault, you could run from there" he said saving himself from maanveer's target

"I won't spare you today" maanveer said gritting his teeth

"Bhabhisa" aarav said looking maanveer's back

"Don't be oversmaart with me" maanveer said and threw pillow on him

"I swear she is standing there" aarav said catching the pillow

"Lier" maanveer said and threw another pillow

"Veer" aashi said in cold tone

Maanveer's feet sticked. He threw pillow on bed instead of aarav. Aarav ran outside after giving aashi a instant light hug. Maanveer turned and saw aashi locking the door. He stood there, aashi came to him and crossed her hands around her arms,glaring at him. He was fidgeting his fingers

"Jaana,i swear it was Aarav's plan. I didn't meant to hurt you. I know you must be embarrassed because of me. Everyone was laughing" he said looking down

Aashi giggled and hugged him

"I can't tell you how much happy i am today, i didn't knew my veer loves me this much" she said

"It means you're not angry" he asked

"No way,how can i be angry on my cutest veer" she said pulling his cheeks

"Then why were you glaring" he aksed

"I just wanted to scare you" she said and giggled

"Jaana,i was actually so scared, i thought you are upset with me" maanveer said in disbelief tone

"By the way you're looking Beautiful in dupatta, veera" she said giggled

"This teasing will be costly jaana" he said pulling her gently

"I know you can't do anything right now,as our baby is listening everything"  she proudly said

"Then be ready after 3 months,I'll make sure you scream my name lungs out. Be ready with ointment because your body will have my claim all over your body" he whispered near her ears. She felt sensation in her body. She pushed in gently while blushing hard

"Shut up veer" she said looking away

"Why,now tease me,please" he said taunting

"I hate you" she said controlling her blush

"And i love you" he said and kissed her forehead

"Okay,now help me removing this jewelleries, it's itching " she said pouting

Manaveer nodded and made her seat on bed. He gently removed her jewelleries, she felt relief

"I'll change now" saying this she left. Maanveer put her jewelry safely in boxes. And made bed for them. Aashi came out and they slept talking on random things

Next day,they woke up. Maanveer saw aashi starring at him

"Whay happned" he asked

"Let's go to our home for some days with shiv" she said out of nowhere

"Why" he asked

"Because i want to spend my time with you both the most" she said

Maanveer understood her feelings. Next day,they were in their house

Maanveer and aarav was in kitchen making somethings for her. Aashi was desperately waiting for them in hall

"Veer,shiv please come na" she yelled

"Two minitues maasa" shiv replied yelling

Maanveer and shiv came with plates in their hands. Aashi saw pan cakes. They put plants on table

"Maasa,i made this" shiv said pointing at small piece

"Then i will eat this first" aashi said and took a morsel

"It's yummy" she said moaning

"And what about my cake" maanveer asked

"'s not that good" she said scrunching her face. Shiv showed his tounge to maanveer and he tickled him. Aashi giggled

3 months flew in minitues, maanveer took leave from office. He started taking care of her day and night. Aashi having pucking problems in mid nights and maanveer awaken every night with her. It was night and aashi was laying on bed in his arms. He was caressing her hairs. His phone rang and he saw his business partner's name

"Yes mr khanna" he said "no no i can't go,okay oaky" he said and cut the call

"What happned" she asked

"Mr khanna was saying that i have to go to paris for few days,but i denied" he said

"But why" she asked

"We are staring our new branch there,but let it be. I can not risk,as your due date is near" he said

"But veer,it was your dream to open branched in every country" she said widing her eyes

"So what,my biggest dream is you" he said

"Please go veer,please. Everyone is here na" she said

"No janaa" he said

"Please veer,humari beti ko bhi accha nahi lagega agar aap nahi gye" she said

"Jaana how can i leave you" he asked in disbelief tone

"Veer,I'm not going anywhere, please go and make me and your daughter proud, please" she said pleading tone

After thinking for some time,maanveer agreed. Next day,he left after meeting eveyone. They both had a s fake smile on faces. Aashi also didn't wanted to send him but for her,his dreams matters

After some hours,aashi's water broke. She was cryinh and shouting in pain. Aarav and mishka were on their way to the hospital the hospital

Guys,did you noticed something in shiv's name??
Its shi+v😁. Now guess the babygirl's name

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