chapter 18

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Good morning, here's some happy moments of our aasmaan. Enjoy♥️

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They sat like this for next one hour. Maanveer freed her from his hold and leaned back. She too removed her hands from her torso

"Am I forgiven" she asked making innocent face,she knew it's his weak point

"Let's have dinner,you have to take medicines too" maanveer said and stood

"Veer,I said sorry. Please don't ignore me" she said holding his elbow

"Aashi,we will talk talk later. As of now let's go" maanveer said and removed her hand and left

"I know I hurt you veer" She said looking his retired figure

Maanveer and Aashi reached dining area. Everyone looked at them smiling. And why not they are doing dinner together after almost a week. Maanveer sat on his king seat and Aashi sat beside him. Soon they started their dinner. Dinner went in comfortable silence,sharda made aashi's favorite dishes and dadisa made sweet as she loves sweets. Aashi was glancing at him time to time but he ignored her and ate in silence. He stood up after joining his hands towards plate

"Aarav report me at seven in the morning, and don't be late" maanveer ordered him and left without hearing his side,Aarav's jaw dropped

"Bhabhisa,why this early" he asked to Aashi

"How would I know, he's your bhaisa ask him" Aashi said shrugging her shoulders

"This is wrong bhabhisa, how will I wake up early...." he was arguing but dadasa coughed, getting his point to stay silent aarav zipped his mouth making upset face. Aashi giggled

Dadisa and sharda shared a happy look after seeing aashi's smile. Soon everyone started leaving. Mishka took kiaan from cradle and about to go but Aashi stopped

"Umm mishka,can I...I ask you for something" she asked hesitating

"Yes bhabhisa" mishka said softly

"Can..can..I take kiaan with me tonight...can..he..sleep with us tonight" Aashi was hesitating,she knew mishka has no problem with kiaan sleeping with Aashi and maanveer,but still she is his mother

"Why are you hesitating bhabhisa,kiaan is your child too" she said handing kiaan to Aashi,she smiled looking at mishka "but please wake me up if he bothers you,he generally wake up in mid night so" mishka warned her

"It's okay mishka,I will handle kiaan baby" she said looking at kiaan,who giggled

"Bhabhisa,please do me a favor, please don't let bhaisa wake up before eight" aarav said making puppy face

"Okay aaravbanna,you go and sleep. Don't worry about him" aashi said smiling

"Thank you" aarav said and pulled mishka by her waist, she widen her eyes

Aashi coughed "Let's go kiaan" she said looking at kiaan and then looked at them "enjoy" Aashi said and smiled mischievously

"Thank you" aarav said and winked,Aashi left giggling

"Have some shame aarav,she is your sister-in-law" mishka said removing his hand from her waist

"It's okay mishka,she is my sister too" aarav said and winked

"Hatiye yaha se" she said and pushed him gently and left, aarav followed her
(Move aside)

Aashi entered in room and saw him watching movie on television, he saw her with kiaan with side eye but kept his neutral face. She locked the door and sat infront of him blocking his view from television and put kiaan on bed,kiaan stared playing with her pallu

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