A Big Surprise

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a year later Dracula was in one rooms painting a monster while Autumn was strumming her guitar Dracula got her for her birthday

a year later Dracula was in one rooms painting a monster while Autumn was strumming her guitar Dracula got her for her birthday

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(this is Autumn's guitar, i do not own this)

as Autumn was strumming her guitar she looked at Dracula's painting 

you're getting better at painting honey fang, maybe your paintings can get accepted into an art museum said Autumn as Dracula turned and smiled at her

thank you my beautiful Autumn fox but i don't think my paintings are that great to be accepted into an art museum, i think they are more fitted to be here at the hotel said Dracula 

well if that's what you want, i'm not going to stop you said Autumn as she walked to Dracula's side and they were leaning in for a kiss until Mavis opened the door with Johnny behind her

hey dad, hey Autumn we didn't interrupt anything did we asked Mavis 

oh no of course not, i was telling Dracula about a new song i just wrote said Autumn as she smiled nervously and Dracula nodded as Mavis smirked at them

Todd take a break said Dracula as the monster walked away 

so what's up asked Dracula as he made the canvas disappear with his powers

Mavis was wondering if maybe you wanted to go for a fly said Johnny as he did a flying motion with his hand 

oh, we haven't down that in forever, any special reason asked Dracula 

no special reason at all, right Mavey said Johnny as he held Mavis's shoulder and he started to giggle, Autumn shook her head at him as Mavis walked over to her father

what's his deal asked Dracula as Mavis led him over to the window

he's silly, it's just a beautiful night and well if you don't want to said Mavis 

no, no are you kidding, i would eat a bucket of garlic to fly with you said Dracula 

a second later the window flew open and Mavis jumped from the balcony and she did some flips and she turned into a bat and she looked at Dracula as he tilted his head slightly impressed until he let his cape fly through the wind and he jumped into the air and he dived to the ground and he turned into a bat while making the water splash everywhere as she chuckled, Autumn saw the whole thing and she rolled her eyes

Dracula you show off Autumn shouted as Dracula gave her a wink when he and Mavis flew past making her blush 

Dracula and Mavis flew under the bridge that leads to the hotel and Dracula noticed the clouds when they flew past the bridge 

oh honey look at those fluffy clouds said Dracula as he and Mavis flew above the clouds

remember what we played when you were little, hide and go seek sharp objects said Dracula as he turned around only to find Mavis gone 

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