Camp Winnepacaca And A Very Angry Fox

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After the guys and Autumn parked infront of the big cabin house they walked through the house and out to the back, there were a lot of vampire kids doing fun camp activities and Autumn adored the children 

you see Denisovich, this where i learned to catch mice and shapeshift, and use my incredible powers and strength, it's pretty cool huh asked Dracula as he pounced on the grounds and transformed into a wolf, a snake and a bat and he transformed into his normal self and he held Dennis 

badminton said Dennis as he pointed at some kids playing badminton

yes i don't remember this badminton said Dracula as he placed Dennis on the ground

well it has been a long time since you last been here Drac, things change over the years, like with humans for example said Autumn as she smirked at him 

well well is this a night, how you doing folks, i'm Dana the director, we're sure excited to have you legends visitin us, what can i do you for asked Dana 

well i'm very interested in sending my grandboy Denisovich here said Dracula as he leaned down and placed his hands on Dennis's shoulders as Dennis smiled

oh, this little red headed non fangy little guy asked Dana as he moved his glasses a bit so he can get a proper look at Dennis 

oh they're in there, he's a late fanger that's why we came here, can you show us some the drills like where they catch the mice asked Dracula as he stood up

can do, course now we call it tee mousing said Dana as he walked away 

Dracula was confused of what he just said while Autumn just giggled

a second later a vampire helper was placing mice on a tee stand and the vampire kids were just gently taking the mice 

so they don't have to catch the mice asked Dracula 

nope, we find this a good way to build their confidence said Dana as a vampire kid was a bit afriad to touch the mouse until Dracula got in his face

it's right there what's the matter with you! asked Dracula as stood up Autumn smacked him upside the head and she glared at him with her arms crossed over her chest, this made Dracula chuckle nervously

hokey pokey said Dana as he held the mice cage 

a bit later Dracula spotted something that helped him fly when he was a kid 

ah there it is Denisovich, where papa learned to fly said Dracula 

ooo i wanna like papa said Dennis 

they were looking at a tall dangerous wooden structure that looked like it wasn't gonna hold for very long 

uh yeah, we're over now said Dana as he pointed at a safer wooden structure and two vampire assistants were helping them as they turned into bats until one got stuck

had to scale it down, insurance, hokey pokey, see ya at the camp fire said Dana as he walked away 

honestly Drac, you have to get used to these things now, like i said things change over the years and that thing is definitely not safe for Dennis said Autumn as she gestured to the wooden structure 

i think these new activites are fun and adorable, just get them them and you'll see said Autumn as she kissed him on the cheek 

meanwhile in California Johnny and Mavis arrived at Linda and Mike's house and Mavis range the doorbell and they answered

well gosh welcome you two said Linda 

hey gang said Mike

hi guys, this is so exciting said Mavis as she hugged them and she walked into the living room 

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