You Can't Make Somebody Something Their Not

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Dracula opened the door to Dennis's room and he walked over to his grandson's bed 

rise in shine my Denisovich said Dracula as Dennis opened his eyes 

hi papa Dennis said sleepily as Dracula leaned down to him 

hello my little devil, did you have sweet nightmares asked Dracula 

uh huh, i dreamed that i saw a stegosaurus said Dennis as he sat up and made a dinosour pose with his hands

oh and were you drinking his blood asked Dracula 

no said Dennia 

just throwing it out there, hey do you want to do something cool asked Dracula as he layed his arms on Dennis's bed and he placed his hands on his chin 

yeah! exclaimed Dennis as he laughed and Dracula picked him up and turned on the lights and he placed Dennis on the floor

i'm going to teach you how to turn into a bat, like me, see said Dracula as he turned into a bat 

cool! exclaimed Dennis as Dracula turned back into his normal self 

yes cool like i said, now you try said Dracula 

i'm a bat said Dennis as he laughed and he ran around Dracula with his arms flapping like a bat 

i'm a bat, i'm a bat, i'm a bat, i'm a bat said Dennis as Dracula frowned 

i mean a real bat said Dracula as he watched Dennis

i'm a bat said Dennis as he blew a raspberry while moving his fingers and trying to act scary 

 Denisovich take a breath, you can really turn into a bat, try, feel the bat said Dracula as he leaned down and he held out his hands

Dennis started to flap his arms like a chicken 

not a chicken said Dracula 

Dennis started moving his arms like he was trying to dance

what's that the eletric boogaloo, if i show you i can bust a move will you try to fly then asked Dracula 

uh huh said Dennis 

Dracula started to dance with his cape bopping to the beat and Dennis was trying to copy his grandfather's dance moves

(This is soo funny and adorable, i can't stop laughing)

as Dracula and Dennis were doing the worm Autumn and Mavis saw them dancing 

dad why are you guys dancing asked Mavis

woah i didnt know there was a party going on in here said Autumn as she laughed a bit 

uh he was sleep dancing said Dracula as Autumn rolled her eyes and Mavis picked Dennis up 

come on sweetie back to bed said Mavis as she walked over to Dennis's race car bed and tucked him back in with the fox plushie Autumn made for him 

back to bed, it's already after eight pm said Dracula as he walked over to the otherside of the race car with Autumn at his side

don't you remember the new sleep schedule, he's going to human classes half the day said Mavis as she gestured to Dennis's sleep schedule and Dracula didn't get any of it

if he could just sleep till two am tonight it'll be so great for him said Mavis 

but honey death six of Wayne's wolf pups are having a birthday party tonight, you wouldn't want him to miss that said Dracula 

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