Mavis's Decision And a Family Dinner

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Mavis and Johnny were on the roof of Johnny's parents house, the others were partying down stairs while Mavis wasn't really having fun like she used to at the beginning of California, she was hugging her legs to her chest

sorry about all that stuff, i guess they thought you'd like it said Johnny 

why do i feel so weird here asked Mavis 

no hon they're being weird said Johnny as he placed a hand on Mavis's back

i think they're just trying to help me, i mean i grew up knowing nothing living inside that hotel and you learned about everything growing up in Santa Clause said Mavis 

Santa Cruz but uh said Johnny 

maybe if Dennis grows up away from Transylvania, he won't be so freaky, like me said Mavis 

are you nuts, Mavis's you're a blast said Johnny as he placed both of his hands on Mavis's shoulders

you're so full of life and curious about everything, if Dennis grows up to be just like you, i'll be the luckiest dad in the world said Johnny as Mavis giggled and placed her arms on Johnny's shoulders

i love you Johnnystein, you know what, as long as we're together we'll be happy anywhere, even at the hotel said Mavis as she and Johnny hugged each other

yes whispered Johnny until his phone started going off and he pulled it out of his pocket

what are you doing asked Mavis as a video started playing 

woah, check out this video my friend sent me, this kid is an awesome daredevil said Johnny as he and Mavis watched the video of Dennis falling off of the wooden structure and Dracula swooped in to save him 

wait is that Dennis asked Mavis 

no, is it, no, it's just hard to see but said Johhny as he laughed nervously and he started typing on his phone and he deleted the video

oops just deleted it, so it's gone said Johnny 

Mavis did a frustrated grunt and she pulled out her phone to call her dad 

back with the guys, the firefighters showed up and they were putting out the fires that Autumn caused, Dracula was trying to talk to Autumn but she didn't even want to talk to Dracula not after what he did and said to her, she was her normal fox self but she was still mad until Dracula's phone started buzzing, he pulled it out and he saw that Mavis was calling him 

what, it's Mavis i'm not answering it said Dracula and Autumn glared at him

you are going to answer your daughter or do you want me to turn into a fire fox again said Autumn 

alright whined Dracula as he answered the phone

yes honeybunch said Dracula 

dad where are you asked Mavis

um, we're outside the hotel having a little cookout, it's perfectly safe said Dracula until the sirens started going off

what's that noise, is that a siren asked Mavis 

oh those are just wailing banshees checking in, quiet you banshees, we're trying to have a perfectly safe cookout over here said Dracula as Autumn did a facepalmed with a groan

mommy, i wanna say hi, mommy, mommy said Dennis as he ran over to Dracula this caught Dana's attention as they both tried to reach for the phone until Dracula smashed it on Dana's face

oh no static again said Dracula as he started doing static noises

i am coming back to the hotel right now and you better be there or i swear dad you're gonna be very sorry said Mavis as she stood up 

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