The Wedding

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it's been a year since humans have accepted monsters and Dracula's and Autumn's realtionship is growing strong and today is a very special day because it's Johnny's and Mavis's wedding day and everyone was getting everything ready 

the zombies rolled out the white carpet but the monsters got it dirty when they walked on it making the zombies groan in disappointment 

Autumn was wearing a blue dress as she stood next to Dracula as he welcomed a monster and he shook his hand, Dracula was also wearing a fancy outfit for his daughter's wedding and Johnny's family came into the hotel 

Autumn was wearing a blue dress as she stood next to Dracula as he welcomed a monster and he shook his hand, Dracula was also wearing a fancy outfit for his daughter's wedding and Johnny's family came into the hotel 

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(this is Autumn's dress but her shows are blue i do not own these)

Mr. and Mrs. Loughran, the parents of the groom and family said the suit of armor as the monsters looked at them

i guess they aren't used to humans yet thought Autumn ad Johnny went over to his family 

mom and dad said Johnny as he hugged his mother Linda 

Johnny said his family 

i can't believe you're all here said Johnny as he placed his arms around his father's and mother's shoulders, Autumn smiled at the cute scene 

a bit later it was picture time, first it was Johnny and his groomsmen and his backpack was his best man, next it was Mavis and her bridesmaids and Autumn was the maid of honor then the final picture was the family and Autumn also got to be in that as she stood next to Dracula but since Mavis and Dracula are vampires they couldn't be seen in the film 

after everything was sit up it was time for the wedding as everyone took their seats 

oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yo how hot is my dad asked Murray as he looked at his buddies

so hot wow, how bout how hot mine is asked Griffon as he showed the empty seat next to him as his buddies looked at the empty seat confused

you got a date asked Murray 

yeah, she's invisible that's why you can't see her said Griffon

oh right, this is the one from "Canada" asked Frank 

shh wedding's starting said Griffon as Johnny was in his place at the altar and Autumn and his brother and backpack and his sister were in their places as well

a girl monster and one of Johnny's monsters came down with their arms linked, then a little girl walked down looking adorbale as the flower girl as the humans awed at her until the wolf pups fixed her up a bit making the monsters awed at her finally Mavis stood at the end looking beautiful in her black wedding dress 

as she started walking down the aisle Dracula could see Mavis as his little girl, Johnny and Mavis placed their rings on their fingers they were about to lean in for a kiss until Dracula used his powers to move the shrunken head causing them to kiss the head's cheeks and Dracula motioned them to do a small one so Mavis and Johnny did a peak instead and Dracula cheered and clapped but his friends weren't happy that he ruined the kiss and Autumn faced palm

what am i going to do with him thought Autumn

Marty was speaking and all the monsters including Johnny and Autumn understood what he said and Johnny raised his glass and Autumn was using a tissue to wipe her tears

true so true Marty said Johnny

next Mavis and Johnny were cutting the cake as it screamed and when the cake was being handed it out they were screaming and running away 

Dracula and Autumn were dancing 

you know that wasn't cool when you messed up Mavis and Johnny's kiss said Autumn 

oh come on, we both know i don't like the kissing said Dracula 

oh really, you didn't mess up their first kiss when they first got together and you don't mind me and you kissing said Autumn 

well you're kisses are amazing and us kissing is better than kissing Mavis and Johnny kissing said Dracula as he kissed Autumn as he pulled away Autumn shook her head 

what am i going to do with you asked Autumn as Dracula pretended to think

i don't know, love me forever said Dracula as Autumn smiled 

a bit later after Johnny helped his mother get put of Blobby he was dancing with Mavis and it was the parent's turn to dance with their children as Dracula danced with Mavis on the ceiling 

is it everything you wanted my little poisonberry asked Dracula 

oh it is daddy said Mavis as she laid her head on his chest until she realized something

expect where's grandpa Vlad asked Mavis 

honey your gramps would not have been cool with this he's old school said Dracula as he twirled her 

how do we know if he could just meet Johnny asked Mavis 

he would have eaten him, he's not as enlighed as your hip daddy said Dracula 

so you're really ok with him not being a monster asked Mavis 

human, monster, unicorn, as long as you're happy said Dracula as he held Mavis's hand

thanks dad said Mavis 

a bit later Dracula was playing the ukulele and he was singing a little sing 

Dracula: and you'll always be my moonlight

but now on wings on love you soar

now that you're Johnny's girl

Johnny's girl and kind of daddy's too

your mom would be so happy 

cause she always knew

love is making room for all the best in you 

after his song every clapped and Autumn was wiping away her tears with a tissue as she walked over and kissed Dracula on the cheek and Linda got soaked because of bigfoot's tears and Mike afford her a tissue

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