First Attempt and Second attempt

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The sun was now setting when Mavis and Johnny arrived to California by car, Mavis was amazed when she saw the ocean

wow, this is gonna be so amazing said Mavis 

oh yeah, you're gonna be so happy but not to happy said Johnny 

huh asked Mavis

what asked Johnny

i wanna see everything you did growing up said Mavis 

as long as you're distracted capisce said Johnny as Mavis was confused 

we can hit a few spots on the way to my parents said Johnny as Mavis pulled out her phone as she was fixing to call her dad

lemme just quickly call home said Mavis 

aw don't do that, it's only 1 am there, Dennis isn't even up yet said Johnny 

right, i'm just not used to being away from him said Mavis as Johnny placed one of his hands on her shoulder

everything's going to be cool, your dad was so all over it said Johnny 

i know, he and Autumn are the best said Mavis as she held his hand

meanwhile Dracula and his buddles along with Autumn were still driving to their first destination, Dennis fell asleep on the way there and Blobby was getting hit by the tree branches and he put a helmet on but it wasn't really helping either 

right turn here said Dracula as Griffon took a right turn and Autumn followed them 

Denisovich rise in shine said Dracula as he shook Dennis a little but all Dennis did was a cute little snore and Dracula looked at his buddies

boys this bringing back any memories, we used to prowl around here when we were in our 100s, the Dark Forest of Slobiza said Dracula as they arrived at their destination 

but the Dark Forest was different now, it was now a little park and bike trail and humans were walking their dogs 

nice how they built it up said Frank as Dracula frowned

ok out of the car said Dracula 

a minute later after Autumn parked her motorcycle beside the car she stood next to Dracula just as he finished putting Dennis in a vampire outfit and Dracula fixed his hair so it'll look like his, Autumn thought he looked adorable as she took a quick picture of Dennis in his cute outfit 

Denisovich, you're going to see every monster do his specialty, first Frank's gonna show us how he scares people said Dracula as he placed Dennis on the ground and Frank leaned on the car

yay, he's gonna said Dennis doing a cute scare pose as Autumn's tail wagged from his cuteness

yeah, i don't think boos ever work but that's why we're here to learn from the master said Dracula as he patted Frank's shoulder

ok, i'll give it a shot said Frank as he started to walk over to a bike trail, as a twig snapped his quickly hid behind a bush and he made his way to a taller bush as he saw two girls jogging and he practiced some scary faces as the guys hid behind some bushes and Frank got in front of the girls surprising them as he did a scary noise with a scary face but the girls weren't really scared but they were happy to see him 

Frankenstein said the first jogger girl 

oh hey how ya doin said Frank 

you're awesome can we take a picture is that ok asked the second jogger girl 

sure ok, little selfie action said Frank as he took off his head and held it in his hand as he and the two girls took a picture

for real said Dracula 

 awesome thank you so much said the second jogger girl 

hey have a great day said Frank as he waved at the girls as they walked away

Dennis came out of the bushes and said boo and the girls said he was adorable as they continued their jog

adorable yes, not scary but boo is a start said Dracula as Dennis's hair popped back up and Murray screamed as Dracula frowned at him and he did a nervous laugh and Autumn shook her head in amusement

at least he scared someone said Autumn as she laughed a little 

a bit later they were driving to their second destination 

my birthday cake's gonna have the coolest guy on it said Dennis 

let me guess Kaki said Dracula 

no, he's so cool, he climbs walls and wears a cape said Dennis as he played with a his cape 

oh really and who is this very cool guy asked Dracula as he leaned on Dennis's car seat and he looked at his hand

Batman said Dennis 

Batman, great, you don't know anyone else with a cape that's cool said Dracula as he frowned a bit until he noticed something

this is good stop here said Dracula as Griffon stopped the car and Autumn stopped her motorcycle behind them and when Blobby took off his helmet he looked like he had a bald head 

ok, Wayne it's your turn go kill something, Denisovich watch this said Dracula 

what said Wayne and Autumn

i told you come on, if we don't know inspire Denisovich, how's he going to find his inner monster said Dracula 

who in a monster asked Dennis 

nobody, just here have an avocado said Dracula 

yay said Dennis as Dracula gave him an avocado from Dennis's backpack and Frank was looking at the avocado

your mommy says it's a good fat, whatever the heaven that means said Dracula as Autumn cut the avocado for him and he offered it to Frank who ate the seed 

listen i'm not gonna set monsters back again just to make your grandkid like vampires said Wayne 

yeah Wayne has a point Drac, besides i think this is to violent for little Dennis and there's nothing to kill here it's all been- but Autumn was cut off when they saw a young deer fawn walking by

aww what a cutie said Frank as Dracula glared a him 

but kill him said Frank as he frowned

great, you know i haven't done this in years, we don't need to kill anymore, we have pop tarts said Wayne as he smiled

Denisovich you're going to love this, Wayne's going to eat that whole deer and the next ones your Wayne go said Dracula as Wayne frowned and he started walking over to the young deer and Autumn stood close to Dennis so she can cover his eyes from the violent scene

oh man, i'm too old for this, ok how's it go again said Wayne as he howled 

no, no wait that's for the moon, oh i growl, right, here goes said Wayne as he walked up to the young deer as it looked at him 

growl said Wayne 

get it boy said a guy as he threw a frisbee and Wayne ran after it and he and a dog started to fight over the frisbee and Autumn was laughing so much she fell onto the ground laughing

get it Uncle Wayne said Dennis 

they were on the road again and Wayne was chewing on the frisbee

some werewolf, did you actually say the word growl, you're a werewussy said Dracula 

i said i was rusty said Wayne as he kept chewing on the frisbee

gimme that frisbee said Dracula as he reached over the seat and he tried to take the frisbee but Wayne dodged his grab

no it's my frisbee i fetched it said Wayne as he and Dracula were fighting over the frisbee causing the car to go crazy and Autumn almost fell off her motorcycle

what the heck is going on in there asked Autumn as Blobby broke off from the car and he went flying over a cliff 

Blobby! shouted Autumn as Dracula and the others saw what happened

he's fine, he's blobby said Dracula 

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