A Plan To Turn Dennis into a Vampire

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After patching up Autumn's arm, Dracula was getting ready for bed since the sun is rising but Dracula wasn't happy that Mavis said she was moving and he did impressions about his daughter when he was getting ready for bed 

dad it's not a fang, dad i don't know if it's the right place for Dennis right Johnny asked Dracula as he was buttoning up his pajama shirt and he used his powers to make a sink appear from the wall and he did an impression of Johnny 

hey, dudeman it's not me, it's Mavey, hey dude man i'm afraid to say anything, hey dudeman, i'm a dudeman said Dracula until he stopped his impressions when he heard Frank 

uh Drac, who you talkin to asked Frank as he opened Dracula's door 

do not disturb the count's wingin out in here said the shrunken head as Dracula placed some toothpaste on his toothbrush and he started brushing his fangs as Frank walked over to him 

what are you wiggin out about Drac asked Frank as Dracula turned to look at him

the kids, Mavey Wavey's saying she wants to leave said Dracula as he sipped th the blood mouth wash and he spat it out in the sink and he started flossing his fang

she wants to leave, what about Johnny he doesn't wanna go, he's making the hotel more humany for Dennis, you know saying that he isn't a monster said Frank as Dracula snapped his floss and zoomed over to Frank 

he is a monster, he's just a late fanger said Dracula as he crossed his arms over his chest 

mm hm i can be a hand model said the shrunken head 

shut up! it's all that humany stuff that's confusing poor Denisovich said Dracula as he went to his bathroom 

so maybe you got to get the kid around more monstery things said Frank as he leaned against the wall pressing the button that opens Dracula wardrobe

i need a cape said Frank 

i can't, she's always around checking up on me said Dracula as Frank went into Dracula's wardrobe and he walked out wearing Dracula's clothes

man, if you could just get some alone time said Frank 

wait a minute that's what Johnny wants too, alone time with Mavis said Dracula as Frank played with Dracula's cape until the collar started to tighten on his neck and Frank tried to loosen it with a spatula 

have they even had a vacation since before they were married asked Frank as he heard Dracula flush the toilet and he quickly took Dracula's clothes off and along with his own shirt and he tossed them into Dracula's wardrobe and he smiled just as Dracula came out of the bathroom

they are going to now and so are we Frank you're a genius said Dracula until he noticed he didn't have his shirt on anymore making it awkward for a minute 

we'll take Denisovich to all of our old haunts, each of us will show him our skills, teach him how to be a monster said Dracula as he imagined showing Dennis how to haunt a mouse and heis fanges appeared

and he'll be fanging it up in no time said Dracula

boy turns five next week, if he's not a vampire by his birthday, it ain't happenin said the shruken head 

oh it ain't ain't happening baby, all he need is time with his vampa said Dracula 

vampa asked Frank

vampire grandpa, come on man that's obvious said Dracula until Autumn opened the door

ok good news i- but Autumn was cut off when she saw Frank with his shirt off

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