Facetime call

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Autumn was follwing the car on her motorcycle and Dennis fell asleep while Dracula wasn't happy about that none of the attempts were working 

chocolate ceral, are you kidding me asked Dracula as Frank was eating a fruit roll up from Dennis's backpack

it's ok Drac, it's cause they love us said Frank 

yeah, monsters are what's goin on said Murray 

oh yeah, you should embrace it like i did, i've got a best selling workout video said Griffon 

Griffon's workout video isn't really going well since he was invisible and no one can figure out what workouts he's doing 

that's me guys said Dracula 

come on even Bigfoot's tearin it up in the German soccer league said Frank 

Big foot's foot blocked the entire goal and the opposite team wasn't really happy and Bigfoot flicked on the players who was hitting his toe

yeah and everybody loves Autumn's singing, they watch her performances evertime she goes into the stage and sings said Griffon 

Autumn was singing E.T. and everyone was cheering and crowding the stage 

Dracula smiled dreamily over Autumn's voice until his phone started ringing and when he pulled is out he saw that his daughter was calling him 

oh no, oh no, no, no, no, it's Mavis said Dracula 

you gotta answer it said Wayne as Dracula tried to press the accept button but his fingernails were making it impossible

you're pushin to hard, lighter said Murray

alright! said Dracula as he started to gently shake Dennis

Denisovich wake up, oh boy he's out cold said Dracula as Dennis didn't wake up from his nap

i got this said Griffon as he placed some sunglasses on Dennis's eyes and Dracula answered the call

dad what took so long asked Mavis 

what, nothing Mavey, we're all great here at the hotel just doing hotel things said Dracula as Wayne was panting near him

sorry can't handle your breath said Dracula 

i hear ya said Wayne as he sat back down in his seat 

how are you asked Dracula 

we're having a blast, we just went biking and mini marting, it's so fun here, is Dennis ok asked Mavis 

oh of course, you want to see him asked Dracula

yes, yes i do said Mavis as Dracula turned his phone towards Dennis 

hi baby, how are you asked Mavis 

mommy i happy said Griffon in a child voice as he did a little giggle while holding Dennis and Wayne was driving the car from the back seat 

aww said Mavis as Johnny leaned his head to the camera

hey little dude said Johnny as he leaned his head up to look at the road

why is is wearing sunglasses, and where's Autumn asked Mavis 

oh Autumn is uh in the shower, and we we're playing it's uh a supper hero thing said Dracula as he turned the phone towards Dennis 

cebause i'm sunglasses mas to the rescue, i'm flying said Griffon 

ok take it down a notch Dracula said a little too loud 

you sound funny said Mavis 

oh no, no that his sunglasses man voice said Dracula as he did some static noises

static, oh the signal is bad, Mavis are you there asked Dracula as he disconnected his phone and the call ended

yeah i'm still, alright i guess he's having fun said Mavis 

of course he is said Johnny as he laughed nervously and frowned

wow, i nailed it with the sunglasses man, right off the top of my head, i threw in a cebause did everyone see that asked Griffon as he place Dennis back into his car seat and he took the wheel again 

she said she was having Johnny's blowing it, she's biking and mini marting, she's gonna wanna move, i gotta fix this kid now, are we almost there or what asked Dracula as he looked at Griffon 

ok i may have taken a wrong turn a few miles back don't get mad said Griffon as he laughed nervous laugh and he looked down for a second

what! exclaimed Dracula as he tried to turn on the navigator on his phone but his fingernails were making is impossible

someone turn on the navigator on this thing said Dracula as Murray took the phone

look how light i touch it said Murray as he touch the screen 

please enter your destination, please i am begging you said the phone

a while later after entering the destination almost everyone fell asleep, only Griffon, Dracula, Dennis and Wayne are awake 

yeah, this is gonna be good Denisovich, scary stuff, it's in you, we just gotta concentrate on the scary said Dracula as he patted Dennis's head

um papa Drac, do you miss grandma asked Dennis

miss grandma, well i used to miss her and i still do but after i met Autumn she makes it better said Dracula as he saw Autumn was now driving beside the car and he smiled, he turned back to Dennis 

why do you ask, asked Dracula 

i don't know said Dennis

do you miss anybody asked Dracula 

i miss mommy and daddy said Dennis 

and who else, do you miss that Winnie, the pup who tackles you and tries to lick you all the time said Dracula as he ticked Dennis making his giggle

yeah but we're just friends said Dennis 

oh no, no, no, you're a dracula, we can't just be friends with a cute, hairy number like Winnie said Dracula as he tickled Dennis a bit making him giggle 

right turn now, here, you imbecile said the phone as Dracula pulled it out and looked at it

oh right, turn Griffon said Dracula as he pointed

yes papa Drac said Griffon as he turn the car to the right and Autumn followed right behind them

wait and see fellas, this kid'll be guzzling goat blood in no time said Dracula 

you have arrived at your destination, yes, yes said the phone 

Dracula looked out the window

here we are, it's the vampire summer camp i went to as a kid said Dracula 

what's it camp vamp asked Wayne

no, who names their camp camp vamp, it's Camp Winniepacaca said Dracula as they pulled into the camp

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