Mavis Goes Mini Marting and The Third Attempt

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In California, Johnny was driving Mavis around the stores and other buildings and Mavis was amazed by them 

this place is so amazing and scenic, what do you want to show me first asked Mavis as she looked at the buildings and Johnny shrugged his shoulders

i don't know, it's pretty but there's really nothing to do once it gets dark said Johnny until a store caught Mavis's eye

wait what's that place asked Mavis as Johnny parked infront of the MiniMarket store and he and Mavis got out, a minute later Mavis was amazed at the different chips 

so you're telling me that i can pick between all these different kinds of chips asked Mavis as she looked at Kal who was behind the counter

yes said Kal

how do people decide asked Mavis as Kal shrugged his shoulder

woah now what's that beautiful fountain of rubies asked Mavis as she zoomed over to the colorful drinks and she quickly drank the watermelon flavored drink

Johnny have you tried this slurpee asked Mavis as she showed him the cup when he walked over 

not that quickly hon said Johnny

it comes in 48 flavors, we have to try them all said Mavis as she started drinking the different colored drinks 

uh i don't know if we have time said Johnny

why, this place is opened all night right sir asked Mavis as she looked at Kal

yes said Kal

Mavis laughed a little showing her rainbowed colored teeth and she continued to drink her drink until she noticed the video camera

Johnny look, there making a tv show about this place and we're the stars, hello world said Mavis as she waved to the camera 

awesome said Johnny as he did a thumbs up and Kal walked over drinking a drink 

it's totally awesome, you're so lucky Kal said Mavis as she conintued to drink her drink 

hello world said Kal as he waved to the camera and he smiled showing his rainbowed colored teeth 

back with the guys they arrived at their location and they were now walking to the spot 

ok Murray, your turn said Dracula until a red car pulled up to them 

uh excuse us, do you know where someone can get a bite around here asked the guy 

did you seriously just asked a vampire where to get a bite asked the girl as she looked at her boyfriend and Dracula frowned 

oh gosh, i didn't mean, we're not from around here said the guy until Autumn walked up to the car

no, no it's not a bother, just keep driving and turn to the right and that's were there's a cafe said Autumn

oh thank, hey wait a minute, i think we've heard about you, aren't you the last of the humaniod creatures asked the guy

oh um, yes actually, i'm related to the former leader Lisa said Autumn

oh wow, i've always wanted to see a humaniod creature after i heard about them when i was a kid, we should hang out sometime said the girl 

oh yeah um sure maybe sometime said Autumn as she blushed a little bit, she didn't know she would get fans of her species

as the car drove away the guys continued to walk 

so what do you want me to do now asked Murray

Denisovich you won't believe it, the mummy can crash through walls, and turn into a swarm of beetles and put a curse on anyone said Dracula as he made hand gestures

that sounds mean said Dennis 

it's fun mean said Dracula as he smiled this made Autumn face palmed

ok, so check it out Murray's going to conjure up the biggest sandstorm you've ever seen, hit it said Dracula as he pushed Murray in front of Dennis

sandstorm, it's been a while said Murray

not my problem, do it, say your little spell said Dracula as he pointed his finger

ok, i got this, Frank, Wayne, Griffon, Autumn just try not to faint said Murray as he puffed out his chest 

the guys just gave a him their blank faces and Murray walked over to the rock and he started dancing and chanting his spell and Dennis was trying his best to copy his moves, but before Murray could finish his spell his back cracked and he fell to the ground and he only summoned a little sand

Dennis laughed and ran over to the sand and he made a little snowman 

oh wait said Frank and he walked over and place raisins and a carrot on the snow man from Dennis's backpack, this made everyone besides Dracula laugh and Autumn's tail started wagging 

how cute said Griffon until Dracula twisted his nipples making his scream a bit in pain and Autumn smacked Dracula upside the head

back with Mavis and Johnny they were back in the car until Mavis spotted the skating park 

wait stop at that playground look at these cute kids said Mavis as she watched the kids riding their bikes and doing tricks

holy rabies, this looks like a blast! exclaimed Mavis as she watched the kids 

i don't know Mavey, this could be pretty dangerous if you don't know what you're doing said Johnny as Mavis frowned at him with her hand on her hip 

of course i rock these bikes, may i little dude said Johnny

(i don't know how to describe Johnny and Mavis when they are biking so you guys can watch this video if you want)

after Mavis landed the bike back on the ground without a scratch the kids started cheering for her

you feel me now that's my girlfriend suckers said Johnny 

you're wife Johnny said Mavis as she was taking the helmet off

my wife even better said Johnny 

that was sick lady, where did you learn how to do that stuff asked the girl

Transylvania said Mavis as she gave the helmet back the girl 

that's cool, i have a cousin from Pennsylvania said the girl as she and her friends walked away when Mavis got off the bike 

these little guys are so sweet, Dennis would love them, what an awesome place to raise a kid said Mavis as she started walking back to the car 

oh, to raise a kid, i don't about awesome maybe tubular uh capisce, anyway we should hit my folks' place i said we'd be there by now said Johnny as he got up to Mavis 

sure, oh hey it's after three in Transylvania, i'm gonna check on Dennis ok said Mavis as she pulled out her phone and Johnny wasn't sure that was a good idea of his wife checking in on his son

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