Chapter 13. A Dangerous Weapon (Jason)

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   There is complete silence in the conference room. This definitely bothers me and keeps my dizzy mind from focusing on the perfectly written summary in my hand. My profession has taught me to work in crowded, clamorous spaces during exhibitions, shows, and fairs. I can be productive everywhere, but quietness distracts me. I need the noise around, like a protective curtain, to isolate myself and step on the task at hand. This one will not take much effort. Skylar's recap is the best I have ever seen. All the important information is gathered in a few sentences, two tables, and a lucid graph. He has even added a couple of striking portraits from the model's latest photo shoot. Everything is more than clear. The guy is amazing. I can understand why fashion brands are competing to hire him. On the other hand, I am not convinced he is the right face for our campaign. And the figures! Oh, my God! The agency is no doubt trying to rob us.

   "Cough! Umm... Don't you think it is quite warm in here... A bit stuffy, too." Sky's shaky voice makes me raise my eyes. My lips instantly twitch in a smile, which I barely manage to hide. My temporary deputy is standing at the head of the table, as red as a human being can get. An unruly lock of hair is sticking straight up like a tiny space communication antenna right on top of his head. He nervously flattens his jacket and casts a desperate glare at me.

   "Mi scusi, chi eri ancora (Excuse me, who were you again)?" The agent squints at him. Lulu was right. They are trying to intimidate us. Who sends five people, two of whom are lawyers, to sign a simple advertising contract?

   "I... am... My name is Skylar Jones," Sky mumbles almost inaudibly. "I am signor Marchetti's deputy."

   "My right hand," I add. "As I have already mentioned, Mr. Jones has full authorization to lead the negotiations."

   "I am very surprised," the agent states in displeasure. His colleagues start nodding in support of his indignation. "My old friend, Conte De Angelis, assured me that all the details have been clarified. What is there to discuss? Massimo and I have full trust in each other. I am close both to him and his wonderful sons. This meeting is simply a formality. At least, that was what he told me."

   I am outraged. What an unprofessional attitude. This guy is trying to daunt me by showing off his personal acquaintance with my boss. Disgusting. And why didn't The Big A say a word if everything was already settled? I smell something fishy. I also do not see why the two lawyers are here if the deal was prearranged.

   "I don't ... Cough!...think so," Skylar barely hums. All eyes turn to him. The annoyed agent questioningly growls. My anxious secretary clears his throat and adds louder, "I am sorry, sir. I don't think you are that close to Conte De Angelis' family. In fact, I am quite sure you have never met his sons. Moreover, your personal connections have nothing to do with the purpose of our meeting today. I wonder why you brought this up at all."

   Oddio (Oh my goodness)! Celestial innocence! No one with a single day's experience in the advertising industry would ever accuse an influential agent of lying right to his face. That does not mean you should trust a word that comes out of his mouth, but direct confrontation must be avoided at all costs, especially if you hope to work with a certain highly demanded model. Everything is diplomacy and feigned courtesy in my world. 

   I glance at the agent. My eyes go wide. A very useful quality of mine has always helped me in this business. I can never mistake a man, just caught in a lie. Signor Mauro, who dragged here his whole skilled team with the intention to have his way, is exactly that. I can see the trickles of sweat, sliding down his temples. 

   "Ah, no! Mi hai frainteso. (Oh, no! You misunderstood me.)" The man is quick to cover his shock with a broad smile. "Signor Jones, you are a businessman. You know time is the most precious thing. I was just trying to save yours. But if you prefer, we will discuss the project, point by point. Non c'è problema (No problems). That's what my colleagues are here for. Shall we begin?"

   "Yes, that would be great," I answer as Sky is in total loss of words. It seems that it finally dawned on him how unimaginable what he did was. However, the effect is more than favorable. If Mauro hadn't lied, we could both be considered unemployed by now. Sometimes, though, lack of experience helps. That is when a person who has not gotten into the habit of being tactical says just the right thing. "Let's start with your vision for the campaign. What will be the main message to the potential customers? Brief my deputy about the tagline, the format, and the objective and how you intend to convey our message to the target group. Then, we can move on to the numbers."

   "Certo. Naturalmente (Of course)," Mauro agrees. He energetically waves to the woman next to him. "This is our creative director, Francesca. She has come up with a brilliant vision. We will bank on bright colors, high fashion, and complete maximalism. Look at our star. This is Mauricio. Isn't he gorgeous. Un ragazzo bellissimo (Such a handsome man)! He can sell anything to anyone."

   The lady tarts scattering photos all over the table. Obviously, Mauricio has made a few shoots for us to get the main idea. I peek at them. My jaw drops. Maximalism indeed. The guy looks like a different type of canary bird on each one. Every outfit is brighter and more colorful than the previous one. I am not saying he does not look good. But... What the hell! I do not remember asking anything like that when I sent the new brand's concept to the agency. And I see absolutely no way The Big A would have approved of such a thing.

   "As you have probably guessed," Francesca triumphantly announces. "The tagline is 'Be Fabulous'. Who would not want to be this attractive." 

   "Me," Sky utters in the newly established silence. Everyone's eyes are on him once again. My little chameleon instantly unleashes the brighter shade of crimson. "I mean... Cough!...He is not attractive because of the clothes... or the cosmetics. This guy is a top model. He will look good even in a ripped sack. If I put such an outfit on, it would be a disaster. Would you... Cough!... dress like that, senior Mauro?"

   The agent is so unprepared for the question that he only opens and closes his mouth like a fish without making a sound. Skylar is a dangerous weapon in this war for the best price. He has no clue about it, and this is my strongest trump card. It is refreshing to work with someone who actually says exactly what he thinks.

   It seems my assistant is doing great without my interference. I go back to reading the summary. Francesca starts explaining the concept. I move through the sheets until my gaze falls on the last table, titled 'Price quote'. Nine major photoshoots for the contract term, three hundred thousand euro for Mauricio, strategy development, media relations, airtime fees included... blah, blah, blah... advance payment discount... total five million euro?

   "Che cazzo (What the fuck)!" I blurt before being able to stop myself.

   The hall is silent for the third time since the meeting has began.

   "Maybe we should take a short coffee break," Sky suggests, desperately trying to loosen his tie.

   "Maybe we should take a short coffee break," Sky suggests, desperately trying to loosen his tie

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Hello, at the end of Chapter 13.

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How about the advertising strategy. Do you like the concept?

Will Sky and Jace be able to seal the deal in the end?

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Love: Anny

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