Chapter 29. Buying Some Time (Sky)

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   Let me tell you about another distinguishing trait of being secretly madly in love with someone for years. I bet most of you did not know this one. It is a complex state of constant despair and agony, causing episodes of dissociation with reality and distrust of any improvement that may occur at any given moment. 

   You still can't get it?

   Well, the explanation is simple. If the person of your dreams suddenly does something completely crazy, like tell you they like you, or even worse, kiss you, your brain will just say, "No, that's not happening." And then the traitor will refuse to serve you anymore.

   That was exactly the reason why I did not move a muscle when Jason pressed his mouth to mine. I was frozen, like a damn icicle. The softness of his plump lips was incredible. They were like the most expensive silk, smooth and delicate. The warmth of his breath was spreading through my body. I was melting inside, but on the outside, I still looked like a cold marble statue. The hairs of his two-day stubble were tickling my cheeks. He smelled divine, of white lilies and bergamot. The best feeling ever, much better than I have ever imagined. And I just stood there as if turned to stone.

   My inadequate reaction, or rather the complete lack of one, was not even the worst thing in this situation. You will never believe what I did next. Oh, God! If I could, I would erase this moment from history, but it is too late. I pushed him away. Dumbest thing ever. The man I had been lusting after, the one I craved for years, finally kissed me, and I pushed him away. 

   As if that was not enough, I told him exactly these words, "Can we pretend that this did not happen? I will not discuss it before the end of the week. We can talk on Friday." You should have seen his surprised, puzzled, disappointed expression.

   You think I am a crazy fool, don't you? Can't agree more. I am a damn fool. Period.

   Why did I do it? I have no fucking idea. There might be a logical explanation, but what difference does it make. I missed a golden opportunity. There may not be another. I guess it was some kind of a survival instinct. The work on the project, which should be completed by Friday, is huge. The kiss was jarringly unexpected and threw me off balance. I do not see how I could possibly handle both, so I subconsciously decided to buy some time to think this over. I just hope this will not ruin all my chances to be with Jason.

  I spent the way back to Rome trying to calm myself by squeezing my eyes shut and clinging to his back. It did not help. I am not happy with our arrival in front of Palazzo De Angelis. How am I going to look him in the eye?

   "Wanna grab a lunch in an hour?" Jason hesitantly breaks the silence as we head to the main entrance.

   "Umm..." I am trying, I swear, but my ability to speak is gone. 

   "We can eat in the office if you prefer. Julia will order some take-out." Jason does not give up. "Listen, I know it was awkward. I am sorry. I mean, I should have asked before..."

   "Friday," I hiss. "I am not discussing it now."

   "Oh... Yeah, Friday... Sorry, I forgot about... Anyway, how about Chinese?" I am amazed at his persistence. I am truly pathetic, too. Why does he even like me? 

   This is the most bizarre day in my entire life. My hair looks awful. I am all sweaty, much paler than usual, probably thanks to last night's fiasco with Luca's whiskey, and on top of that, I stutter at every attempt to say something. Two gorgeous men stated they liked me, and I made a fool of myself in front of them both. I want to bury my head in the sand like an ostrich and not look up until the evening comes, and I am finally safely tucked in my bed.

   We get into the elevator. Jason presses the button and nudges me with an elbow, "Are you mad at me?"

   "No! I am... um... not at all. I just was... I was..." I desperately glance at him, unable to come up with a proper explanation.

   "Shy?" he suggests. "Surprised? Bewitched? Not repulsed, I hope."

   "What? No! Of course not," I mutter. "Quite the opposite, actually."

   "Grazie a Dio! Che sollievo. (Thanks God! What a relief.)" He theatrically sighs and grins. "For a brief moment, I thought I was wrong."

   "Wrong about what?" I ask.

   Jason only winks at me and grins wider. "Friday."

   I purse my lips. He is fantastic and perfect, but he still manages to annoy me. The elevator stops. I pop out and rush towards my office. Enough stressful conversations. I need some privacy.

   "Lunch," Jason shouts after me. "One thirty. My office. Spring rolls and Kung pao chicken." 

   I give him the thumb up and hurry to close the door upon entering the small room designated for the marketing manager's assistant. My phone starts ringing. I groan and fearfully peek at the screen. Who knows what Luca is up to. I hope he did not ruin my brand new stove as the barbecue is currently out of use. My eyes go wide. The name I see is the last one I expected. Andrea Rossi. Oh, mom! How could you?



Hello, at the end of Chapter 29.

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Do you think Sky missed a great chance with Jason?

Was his reaction logical?

Why do you think his ex is calling?

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Love: Anny 

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