Chapter 16. The Right Expert (Jason)

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   "We did it!" I yell the moment the elevator doors slide shut behind Mauro and his team's backs. "Sky, you are a genius. I can't believe they agreed to everything we wanted, an entirely new concept, a completely new vision, and a much, much more reasonable price. Grazie Dio (Thank you, Lord)! I was already picturing The Big A handing me the dismissal order. I will never ever drink again before an important meeting... Giuliaaa, where are you? We are going to need a bottle of champagne. Bring it to my office, and some of those marvelous tramezzino al granchio.*"

   *Tramezzino al granchio - triangular bread pockets with crab meat, spinach and eggs, also popular as Venetian crab sandwiches

   "I did nothing," Sky mumbles, heavily leaning on the wall. "Three hours of negotiations. I thought I was going to faint quite a few times. Those lawyers were mean. I have no idea where you get all that energy and self-confidence from, but you really know how to twist someone's arm. I hardly said more than two sentences. You, on the other hand, did tighten the screws on poor senior Mauro. Umm... Are you sure we are allowed to drink at work?"

   "Chill, man. We are heroes." Sky does not seem convinced. I pat him hard on the shoulder. "Boss was about to say goodbye to five million. We saved two of them. I don't think anyone will blame us for celebrating the victory. In fact, you know what, we are taking the rest of the day off."

   "You have another meeting at four." He purses his lips in hesitation. "Also, the report you asked me to prepare yesterday about the average age of the water-based moisturizer consumers... It is not ready yet. I need to..."

   "Where shall I serve the champagne, senior Marchetti?" Giulia approaches with a big smile, carrying a trey of tasty looking food and a bottle of expensive sparkling wine. Skylar's stomach loudly growls. He instantly turns as red as a freshly boiled lobster. 

   "Sorry," he mutters. "I am not that hungry. It must be the stress. I have a nervous stomach."

   "I don't know about you, but I am starving," I state and grab him by the sleeve."Giuls, cancel my meeting. Those are for my team. I am taking Skylar to lunch. We won't be back today."

   "Sure," she nods and gives my assistant a rather odd look. He clumsily pretends he did not see it and determinately gazes at the toes of his shoes. What is going on between those two? A surge of jealousy runs through me. I do my best to ignore it. Gulia's lips curve in a meaningful grin. "Have fun then."

   "What is your favorite food?" I turn my attention back to my blushing assistant who sheepishly peaks at me. "We have all kinds of restaurants in the mall a few floors down, but I prefer to take you somewhere else if you do not mind." 

   "I am really bad at this," he hums.

   "Eating?" I ask, pulling him into the elevator cabin.

   "No," he responds. "At being a good company. You will be disappointed if you expect lively conversation, funny jokes, and stuff like that."

   "I have no particular expectations," I assure him. "If I wanted someone to entertain me, I would go to the movies. However, it is interesting that you are more concerned about whether I will have fun, rather than worrying about the opposite. What if I come across as dull as a dishwasher and bore you to death?"

   "I know you are not." Sky finally relaxes and starts to giggle. "I know you well enough to be more than sure. Where are we going?"

   "It's a surprise." I hold the door for him as we leave the office building and wave for a taxi.

   "Oh, I thought you had a car," he says. "Sorry! That was stupid. You just look like someone who likes speed. Didn't you have a motorbike back at the university?"

   "I still do." I open the car door for him. He raises a brow in surprise before settling on the back seat. I take the place next to him and give the driver instructions about our destination. 

   "So?" Sky impatiently asks. "Why aren't you driving it?"

   "Well... " I am ashamed to admit it, but still make full confessions. "I don't think I was exactly sober this morning."

   "I knew it." Sky burst into laughter. "Oh, my God! You haven't changed much, have you? I just fucking knew it the second I saw you. You do realize that you are extremely lucky, right? Because that could have been an epic fail."

   "Yeah, I hit the jackpot with you." I join the laughter. The tension from the rough morning finally goes away. "Just don't jump to the wrong conclusions. I always treat my work responsibly. This is an exception. I am just having a weird day."

   "Yeah, tell me about it." He flashes the most gorgeous smile at me. "Most of my days are like this, even if I stay at home. I am the biggest expert on weird days."

   "Oh, it is great that you mention it." I can not resist anymore and carefully flatten the naughty lock of hair on top of his head. "Because that is exactly the type of expert I desperately needed."


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Hello, at the end of Chapter 16.

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Was he flirting with him? 😉

Will Sky give in to his charm?

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Love: Anny

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