Chapter 17. Bitter oranges (Jason)

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   "Oh, my God! This place is magical." Sky glances at me with his big, shining eyes. The smile on his happy face gets wider. "Everyone should come here and see this at least once in their life. Magnificent."

   "Are you kidding me?" I pull myself up to sit on the thick brick wall that comes up to our waists. "You are Roman, and you see Giardino degli Aranci* for the first time? People come from all over the world to propose to their fiancés here. The pictures are all over the internet. Don't tell me you've never brought a boyfriend to the garden at sunset to impress him. Works without fail. I speak from experience."

   *Giardino degli Aranci - The Orange Trees Garden is the popular name of Parco Savello, a gaden built by the Savelli family in the thirteenth century on the Aventine Hill with a beautiful view of Rome.

   "Well, I am not exactly Roman. I grew up in New York until the age of ten, and then I left for Austria at eighteen. Most of my life, I lived out of Italy. My family split those eight years I was here equally between Rome and Genoa. Besides, dad made sure to keep me busy with my studies, so I did not go out often." He leans on the broad stone ledge next to me. His gaze wanders over the breathtaking, bird-eye view of the city, spread out below us. The wind plays with his messy hair, giving him this extra charm that keeps my eyes fixed on his dreamy expression. A shadow of sadness softens his features. He raises his hand to shield himself from the sun, but it seems more like he seeks protection from the unexpected feeling. "Can't say I've had boyfriends either. I mean, I had one... a long time ago. His notions of romance were quite different, though. Not a fan of beautiful sights and outdoor activities. He would rather be in places where he himself can attract all the attention, such as fancy restaurants and expensive boutiques."

   "Oh," I hum. The jolt of jealousy twists my stomach again. "Must have been a long relationship. Why haven't I seen you with him in Vienna?"

   "Three years, but I wasn't exactly a priority for him," Skylar mumbles. "He hardly ever visited me more than a couple of times. It only confirmed his conviction that he had been wrong in his judgment of me."

   "Why?" I ask, despite the sharp awareness that I should mind my own business. "What did he think you were?"

   "Rich." Skylar shrugs his shoulders. "Someone fit to solidify his celebrity status."

   "You've dated someone famous?" The jealousy is eating me alive now. I have always considered Sky to be too modest and shy to get involved in dramatic love affairs. On the other hand, the boy is gorgeous... and I waisted five years. Who is the fool now? A celebrity. What the hell. I am relieved that they are not together anymore, but the bastard has obviously hurt him. I would gladly beat him up. 

   "Not exactly a household name." Sky starts to giggle. "But you can say he is quite popular. Umm... I don't really want to talk about it."

   "I am sorry. Didn't want to be nosy." I scratch my head to hide my embarrassment. It seems I am constantly crossing the line, and it bothers me. This is not my usual behavior towards an employee. Even the fact that we are old acquaintances does not excuse it. 

   "It's ok. You've done nothing wrong." He looks at me and smiles. The sadness in his eyes suddenly disappears. "Thank you so much for bringing me here. Why don't you tell me more about this fantastic garden?"

   "Sure!" I let out the breath I have been holding. "The Savelli family built their castle and the park around it over an old fortress. The legend says Saint Dominic himself planted the first bitter orange tree."

   "Amazing!" Sky takes out his phone and makes a few pictures of St Peter's dome, visible in the distance. "Do you think it is true?"

   "Probably," I answer. "There is a lot of truth in most of the legends associated with this city."

   "Wow," he gasps, pointing at one of the orange trees. "Can you imagine that this very tree might have been planted by the hands of a true saint?"

   "Hardly likely." I grin at his enthusiasm. "This one is no older than two years, three at most."

   "Oh, Gosh," he snorts. "I got a bit carried away, didn't I?"

   We look at each other and burst into laughter.

   "Come on!" I grab his hand and pull him behind me past Basilica di Santa Sabina towards the exit on Piazza Pietro D'Illiria. "I promised you food. You must try my favorite Saltimbocca alla Romana.*"

   *Saltimbocca alla Romana - a popular Roman dish; veal, prosciutto and sage rolls cooked in butter and whine

   "Jason!" Skylar stops me right before we reach the waiting taxi. "I just wanted... You are not what I expected... I mean, thank you!"

   "You are not exactly what I expected either," I say, squeezing his hand harder. "And you are very welcome. The pleasure was all mine."

A night view of St Peter's dome from Giardino degli Aranci on Aventino hill

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A night view of St Peter's dome from Giardino degli Aranci on Aventino hill



Hello, at the end of Chapter 17.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting ❤️❤️❤️

The boys are getting to know each other better.

Do you think that old boyfriend will make an appearance? 😉

Will Jason manage to keep professional for long?

What about Sky?

Have fun, share your thoughts, and don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.

Love: Anny

Photo by feedough from

Photo by ValerioMei from

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